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Second Pov, you/yours




Setting foot in the cafe, the door jingles because of the bell, and the scent of baked goods and coffee hit your nose.

"woah, this place smells really good."  

Sanzu says from behind you. looking over your shoulder you give sanzu a smile,

"heh, yeah. i come here almost every day after school."

You walk over to the table by the window and sit in the chair, sanzu following close after sitting in the chair opposite of you.

Passing the menu over to sanzu you start to speak,

"order what you want, I'll pay for you. "

sanzu quickly looked up from the menu, eye wise and much agape,

"w h a t???  you don't have to pay for me, I brought money. plus id feel bad if you where the one paying.. "

His words slowly faded out when he saw you menacingly stare at him. By your expressions alone, it looked like you would wrestle him down just so you could be the one who payed.

"ooooor you could be the one to pay, that works to"
He added on, hoping that you would seize this menacing stare you had on him.

Fortunately, you did stop staring at him. sanzu continued looking at the menu.

Shortly afterwards a waiter came to your table.

"Hello, I'll be you waiter for today, what can I get for you folks today? "

Immediately knowing what you want to order, you spoke first.

"Can I please get a slice of strawberry cake and an iced tea! "

Writing down your order the waiter turned to sanzu,

"and for you sir?"

Sanzu thought for a little shile longer before coming to a conclusion,

"um, ill just have a cheesecake and some water. thanks. "

writing down his order aswell the waiter went off to get the orders.

now alone again, you and sanzu turn to each other.

"soooo, what do you like to do? "

you silently cringed at your very pitiful attempt at small talk. Taking a moment to think about his answer, sanzu started into space.

"well, im in the kendo club, and i thinks thats fun. so ig i like kendo."

Sanzu winced at his very bland and also cringey answer.

"What about you, what do you like to do? other than art since your in the art club and stuff.. "

He cringed alotttt more at him tryna revive his shit answer.

"I like to listen to music alot when i draw! "

you answerd quickly, your very smart brain had anticipated this.

'heh, im so good at this small talk stuff 😌'

your very smart brain definitely did not anticipate what he would say next though,

"Oh really!?? Me too! Whos your favorite artist? Mines is Panic at the disco!! "

Mikey and Baji liked to call sanzu emo for listening to PATD, but now that he found out that you also enjoyed listening to music, meybe you listen to what he listens to!

"OMG panic at the disco fuckin slays, love them. "

Yay! now you both have sonthing in common!!

Soon enough the waiter arrived with your treats.
You both started eating your cakes and continued to talk to eachother


Now your both in between your houses saying goodbye to eachother.

"Bye sanzu! Today was fun, ill message you about the details later. "

You said. the day had gone alot better than you where expecting. You where expecting to horribly fuck up some how and sanzu hate you forever, but that never happened. yes you almost horribly fucked up a few times, but you caught yourself before anything happened!

Saying his goodbye too, sanzu spoke up

" Bye y/n, this was really fun, i look forward to your nessage! "

Although he looked calm on the outside, his heart was beating extremely fast and his head was swirling in disbelief. Had he really had a full conversation with you? Yes, yes he did. He also couldn't believe that you both whent and a date that wasnt actually a date and more like a friendly outing as  acuantencis(spell how??)

You both parted ways and whent in your respective houses awaiting your next meeting.




lmao i lived 🤪🤪

ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝔹𝕠𝕪 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖𝕤 - 𝕊. ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕪𝕠Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora