Nancy asked what time the attack was, and I crossed my legs in my seated position, glancing to Eddie as he yanked off his watch. I really was just along for the ride. I wondered if any of my accessories had been lost in the adventure, then paled at the realization. I manically shuffled around the inner pockets of my blazer, feeling nothing. I tried not to become too emotional at the thought, but in the last pocket, he was there. I released a soft sigh, pressing my little Scooby-Doo plush to my chest firmly. No one paid me any heed, except, I noticed, Eddie, who had peeked over to what I was doing. He gave a small, incredulous smile.

"You still keep that thing around?"

I was about to respond when I heard my name uttered in the chaotic conversation which wasn't making sense to my scrambled head.

"That surge of energy was Vecna attacking Milo." Nancy confirmed.

"You knew about that?" I raised my eyebrows. I guess it wasn't difficult to discern, but she discerned it relatively quickly. I'd never really thought of Nancy Wheeler as much more than a teacher's pet.

Nancy seemed concerned. "Milo, they think you're in on it. Jason's telling everyone you completed some satanic ritual, that Eddie and you are some sort of demonic power couple-"

"Kind of a cool title," Eddie pointed out. "Not entirely wrong,"

"Wait, you two are back together?" Steve asked with raised eyebrows. Robin mirrored his expression.

"Is this really what you guys are grilling them on right now?" Max snapped, disbelief clouding her expression. "What I want to know is how the Vecna escape went down. Is there anything else we could learn?"

"Actually," I mused, the hair on the back of my neck rising uncomfortably at having to dig through those memories. I'd been staying calm mainly by completely pushing them down, a rather successful tactic I'd mastered recently. "I had a few questions for you."

Max nodded, idly fumbling with the volume on her walkman.

"When I was having my um- visions?" I asked, looking for approval. She nodded for me to continue. "So when I had my last vision, I actually encountered what I'm pretty sure was- was my mom."

Max straightened up really seriously, catching my every word. Lucas, however, didn't seem overly interested.

"Isn't that his whole thing? Use memories to disorient and upset you?" He shrugged.

"Yeah, but, like, this was different." I tried, straining to find a way to explain it verbally.

Eddie nodded supportively. "Actually, it was real weird, man. I tried to flip the cassette to her favorite song, but it just stuck- it kept playing this one Fleetwood Mac song that was kind of a downer to be completely honest and-"

I cut him off, rolling my eyes. "It was my mom's favorite song. Inside my vision, I was hiding from her. And as soon as it played- I can't even explain it. She got bright, she gained control of herself, she- she was beautiful. She was like a fantasy version of herself, when she was alive. She thanked me, for something, and as quickly as the vision had started, it just cut off. It was different, because most others-"

"-were like a nightmare." Max finished, absorbing my every word.

"Yeah." I agreed, cheeks wet with tears. "But this one, it felt like she was there, she was in control, she took over. And so, my last vision, last night, Eddie flipped on the music- and I don't know how because we were being run down by Jason, Rowan and the police- and it started out like that. A nightmare. I knew what you guys had told me to do, nothing more, and I felt a pull to follow the music to the art room, in Hawkins High."

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