Chapter 1~ The mission♥

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"Y/n!" My boss said in a serious tone.

"Hmm~ Yes!" I sung. Hmm he looks serious today. I wonder what mission he has for me.

"You are going on a mission. I need you to go to Boten's main hideout." He said with both of his fingers laced together under his chin.

"Here is all the details of your mission." He handed me some papers to read.

"Thanks. I'll take my leave then." I got up from the sofa which I sat on and left out from the exit in the room.

I closed the door behind me. I stood in one spot for a moment to read the papers I was given.

"Hmmm~ interesting!" The note says that since "Boten" is our new ally and a potential rival. We need to prove our allegiance to them by sending in our best soldier as support for their mission in the meantime.

In another words sacrifice your best soldier to us so that we know you are serious. Interesting. I'm strong am I? I get paid forty grand. I suppose it isn't a bad pay.

I crumple the paper and toss it and began walking down the hallway to go to my destination. My sword is already on my shoulder and my gun in its holster therefore I'm already ready.

I called a taxi and headed to the coordinates that I was sent by an unknown number. It's supposed to be one of many of Boten's hideouts. After checking in on the map I walk out the main exit of my bosses building.

I wait until the taxi I called finally arrived. I opened the back seat door to the taxi and slid into the back seat. I neatly crossed my legs and laced both of my hands and placed them over my knees.

"Miss where are you headed?" The taxi driver asked.

"Oh my apologies sir. Head to the abandon warehouse on (xxxxx) street." I gave a smile and handed the driver money.

"All right miss. I should be their shortly." The driver began driving to my destination.

I looked out the window for the time being. It's dark out. The perfect time for a murder. But my mind wondered to something else.

'I wonder how my younger brother is doing right now.'

'Hopefully I'll see him sooner rather than later.'

But anyways I heard that these Boten members are well known but none of the members were ever identified and I get to see all of them first hand. Nervous? Not one bit. I'm just thrilled to get this over with.

This sucks. The details of the mission says I have to stay with them for a week to complete random missions they have. I sigh to myself.

"Miss we're here." The taxi driver said.

"Hm~ thanks! Have a good rest of your night sir!" I waved to the the driver and got out of the car. The car left shortly after. I was faced with a fairly abandoned building. A warehouse like I mentioned before.

"All right let's get this over with." I said with a smile.

I walked over to the front door of the building. It was quiet. Too quiet. I cautiously opened the door to see two guards by a door at the end of the hall.

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