"I thought you just told me I was sweet? Surely I wouldn't go about punching people."

                "That's not quite what I said," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Come upstairs; there's something I want to show you."

                Lockwood lead me up into my attic bedroom, the one that used to be his when he was a child. I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to appear nonchalant, as if I often had handsome boys in my room. Lockwood knelt on the floor, setting his mug to one side as he dug his fingernails into the cracks between the floorboards. I watched him, intrigued as he began prying up a bit of wood. Once it was free I gasped, nearly spilling tea all down my front. Quickly I set it on the floor beside Lockwood's.

                "I want you to have it," Lockwood said, the gold links cascading over his fingers before tapering down to the gleaming pearl pendant. "I know I gave you a necklace before, but-"

                "I never take it off," I interrupted him, tugging the silver and diamond necklace out from beneath my collar. I stroked it lovingly. "You still haven't told me where you got it from."

                "I bought it," he said as he unclasped the gold chain. "But this one belonged to my mother. And when you wear it," he continued, his voice dropping to a whisper as he reached around my neck. "The pearl will hang over your heart."

                His hand fell to the pendant, holding it tight against my ribs, and I was sure he would feel the rapid beating of my heart. He gazed up at me, his touch warm even through the layers of fabric, and then we were kissing, Lockwood pushing on my shoulders until I fell flat against the mattress, laughing softly against his lips.

                "So much for resting," I murmured, pressing my forehead against his as I lay on top of him, my fingers drawing warm circles on the inside of his elbow. His own hands moved in some elaborate pattern against my spine, sending shivers through me.

                "This is far better than resting," Lockwood said. "Though sometimes I dream about you. They're always pleasant dreams, but nothing can compare with the feeling of being here with you."

                I smiled, dropping my lips to his for but a moment. Lockwood groaned when I pulled away, his hand sliding up to the back of my neck and drawing my face to his once again.

                "What happens in these dreams of yours?" I whispered, my mouth against his ear. He kissed my jaw, long and slow and by the time he answered I'd almost forgotten my question.

                "I could show you, but I don't think George would approve," he said, his voice low and hoarse. "And I don't want to come on too strong."

                "It hasn't been that long since you first kissed me, and here you are in my bed," I said, rolling so I was lying beside him, my head propped up on my elbow so I could look at him. "And you're worried about coming on too strong?"

                "Too an extent," he said, grinning that smile of his that I couldn't refuse. He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. "Do you ever dream of me?"

                "Of course I do," I said, trying to stop the heat that was creeping up my neck and towards my cheeks. "Though I think many of them fall into the same category as yours do."

                He grinned again.

                "As much as I am enjoying this conversation I honestly do think that we ought to get some rest," Lockwood said, kicking off his shoes. He looked surprised when he saw the dejected mugs sitting on the floor. "Damn. The tea will be cold by now."

                "Maybe next time we should make sure we finish the tea before-"

                "No. Even tea isn't as important to me as you," he said with a glint in his eye as he pulled the doona up over us, pulling me into his side. I snuggled against him, glad of his warmth. He pressed his lips to my forehead, sending heat flooding through me. "Sleep well Luce."

So... Who's enjoying the Locklyle/ Lucewood in this chapter? I know I am ;)

Next chapter they'll be going back to the house, so they'd better watch out! More Kipps, Finn and Kat next chapter and maybe a little of Bobby Vernon (a little of Bobby Vernon... Get it???? Yeah, it's a pretty lame joke XD). Get ready for the action and maybe a bit of drama thrown into the Locklyle...

Thanks for all your support! I'll try to update at least one more chapter this weekend and I am loving all your comments :) I've got four assignments due this week and I haven't started any of them, so we'll see how things go. Hopefully you'll have a new update tomorrow!

Love you all, Xx

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