Take off & Starstruck

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* Time Skip to the day of the flight * 

Matt came and got me around 4 am and took me back to his house where the other 2 boys were waiting for me to arrive. As Matt put the car in the park we both got out and walked to the back of the car to get my suitcase. I opened the trunk and Matt reached in to pull it out, Matt was always such a gentleman and tried to do most things for me even when I asked him not to or when I'm not expecting it the most. I thanked him and we walked to the door where I was stopped by Matt suddenly. 


I reached for Jayda's arm so suddenly that it even shocked me more than it did her. I just wanted to tell her everything before we left for LA, so nothing changes... I don't want things to change for us, I don't want the way she looks at me change or the way she trusts me with anything to change and the way to lays her head down on my chest or shoulder the way the just smiles at me and the way she gives me butterflies... I JUST DON'T WANT US TO CHANGE!!! 

My mind was snapped into reality when I heard her calling my name asking if everything was all right? Almost immediately the words NO erupted from my lips and all the words that I've been wanting to say for months just fall out like I've been practicing saying it my whole life. 

No Jayda I'm not alright I've been trying to keep my feelings for you on the down low but everything is changing and when we get on that flight to LA you might meet someone that you really like and I'm going to be sitting the dark by myself wishing you were with me and when you ask about what's wrong I'm gonna say nothing like I always do and your gonna be upset about me and you're not gonna know what's wrong or why it's your fault cause I never got the courage to tell you... but I'm telling you now that I have feelings for you and that I've known that I've had them for months now! And I know this is so sudden and a lot to take in but the way you look at me and smile and yo-your laugh it gives me butterflies in ways I can't even describe so please don't let this effect anything that happens with us! I just want to know if there is any chance even the tiniest bit of you that likes me or even thought about liking me just let me know because I've been dying to say this for months and my anxiety goes through the roof even talking with you cause you make me feel like I'm worth something so please just say something anything!! 

Right at that moment right when Jayda was about to say something Chris opened the door and was like are yall gonna come in or yall just gonna sit there and stare at each other? 


Right as I was about to tell Matt my feelings Chris opened the door and saved Matt from the truth that was gonna break him. I walked in so it wouldn't be so awkward and went straight into the living room where the triplets suitcases were. Chris and Nick walked in the room at the exact same time and Matt 5 minutes later. Chris said " so why exactly are we up 3 hours before we're supposed to be leaving our house. Nick answered in the most sassiest voice ever " So someone like you can double check your bag for anything that you might've forgotten and see if there's anything that you don't want to take anymore and we're checking each others bags just incase the other person can't think of what they might have forgotten so like for safe measures" Chris just got a kick out the attitude that Nick was giving off at 4:45 in the morning that I don't think that he actually heard anything that came out of Nick's mouth. 

* Time skip to the airport * 

We're all starting to board our plane while in my head i'm just hoping that me and Matt don't get seated by each other so that way we don't have to finish our conversation from earlier and I don't have to ruin Matt's trip. 

We start looking at our tickets and trying to find the seat we're in. I find my first and Chris sits right next to me. I let out sight of relief knowing that I don't have to face Matt right now and avoid this whole situation for a little bit longer. I messaged Thomas letting him know that we boarded our flight and that we should take off anytime soon, and try and get Matt off my mind. 

When all of a sudden I get a text Message from Matt

As I came to the realization that I couldn't avoid the situation any longer Chris grabbed my hand and said lets talk

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As I came to the realization that I couldn't avoid the situation any longer Chris grabbed my hand and said lets talk. My heart started beating out of my chest I couldn't take breaking another Sturniolo's heart. To my shock he just wanted to know what my sad face was for so I explained the situation to him and before I got the chance to tell him what I felt and why. he said 

Chris: whatever you're fixing to tell me good or bad and why it's the reason you're feeling this way, type it and send and have no regrets knowing that you've gotten what you want to say off your chest. No matter what Matt's reaction is or how he takes it you have to be 100% with him so that way he completely understands where you're coming from, it also gives him and chance to process the information. 

And with Chris literally giving me the best advice ever I did just that. 

And just like that I was feeling relieved that I got it off my chest

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And just like that I was feeling relieved that I got it off my chest. 

And just like that my heart shattered in a so many pieces I didn't even know it could 

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And just like that my heart shattered in a so many pieces I didn't even know it could 


hey guys ik this a longer chapter but my mind was rolling and I honestly it's kind of a twist that i really hoping to kinda put into this book.... I hope its no to much but I feel like yall deserve a longer chapter to enjoy throughout yalls day 

like always if you see anything or want anything changed lmk in the comments!!

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