Finding out our Rooms

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 The drive from the airport to the house was about an hour and a half from the airport, but it felt like 5 minutes. Kristian gave me his phone to play music and we jammed for about the first hour and then he started asking me how old I was and what my favorite hobbies were and just kept up a good conversation until we got to the house. When he put the car in park he popped the trunk and looked at me and said don't you dare try and open that door and walked around and opened to the door for me and pulled out my suitcase and insisted he pull it into the house for me. When he closed the trunk I was met with the happy eyes that soon turned sad at the sight of me and Kristian cutting up and laughing from Matt.  I was caught off guard by Kristian pulling me by my waist towards the house. I turned to him as he asked me if I was ready to go inside and find out which room I was staying in, I responded with a nod of the head yes and we started towards the house. Kristian open the massive door leading us into an open room with couches and a pool table with a grand stair case leading to a second floor, it was honestly breath taking, it was more than anyone could ever imagine. I was snapped out of my amazement by Chris shutting the doors that echoed throughout the house. Thomas walked around the corner from what looked like the kitchen with baskets of snacks for me and triplets with our names on them. we all went into the living room area and sat down and started talking about all the stuff we wanted to do while we were in LA and started making a filming schedule. After about 15 minutes of figuring everything they asked if we were ready to see our rooms, we all agreed that we were ready to see our rooms and unpack everything. We all walked upstairs and Thomas asked if all 4 of us wanted to share a room or if we wanted separate rooms? We didn't mind all sharing a room but deep down I really wanted my own room so I didn't have to deal with all the tension between me and Matt the whole time during our stay, and I sure didn't want it to affect everyone either. We all said that we didn't care either way it was whatever they thought was best. We walked around the corner and stopped and Thomas put in the code to the padlock on the door and opened it we walked in there was 2 sets of bunk beds and he said that we could all stay but they had separate rooms for us to. We all walked out the door to go look at the other options of rooms before deciding on which ones we want or if we're gonna want to all stay in one room together. We walked around the corner and stopped at door to which Thomas proceeds to knock on, Tabitha and Paige open the door with exictement and Thomas proceeds to say "Jayda if you want the girls offered for you to stay in here with them for more fun with your experience!" without hesitation I said yes excitedly to staying with them and walked in to start unpacking my bags and getting settled in as the boys continued down the hall to go see the other rooms.

Matt's POV:

Seeing Jayda choose to stay with the girls really hurt alot but I knew that the tension between us was to much for her to handle right now and that in her brain she didn't want it to spill into everyone else's trip and ruin it for them. I just wished she could really see how much I love her and want all of this to go away like it never happened what if I could just erase time and never told her, maybe it would make this trip more bareable and enjoyable, maybe she wouldn't avoid me and she would want to share a room with just like before we left for LA. My thoughts were erupted by Thomas knocking on a door and 2 boys opening it, one of them looked like the guy Jayda rode with from the airport like the one that was making her laugh till she was crying and making her happy? thinking about all of this made my blood boil it felt like he was trying to replace me... what was this feeling Jealousy? I've never felt this way about anyone before especially someone I've never really met!! The sound of his voice snapped my back into present time

Kristian - "Its Matt right?"

Matt- " Yea."

Kristian - "Well me and Ace decided that it would be pretty cool if you stayed in here with us since we haven't had the proper chance to meet you and we thought it would be cool idea so that way we could get a better chance to know one another, if that's cool with you?"

Matt- " Yea of course, why not?"

I felt really bad for leaving my brothers and not sharing a room with them but I wanted to get to know this Kristian dude and what was so special about him that he had Jayda laughing and smiling so hard like she did back home with us!

*Time skip to after everyone chooses their rooms ... Chris and Nick decided to stay in the room with bunk beds together btw!!*

*text messages between Matt and Jayda*

Matt: hey can we talk?

Jayda: yea. when and where?

Matt: right now ok? and outside by the pool.

Jayda: yea im coming.

Matt: alright im already out here

Jadya: I dont see you!!

Matt: im by the slide

Jayda: Ahhh ok i see you now omw

Jayda's POV:

Seeing Matt sent chills down my back cause this was either was gonna go really good or was gonna cause really really bad and I just didn't know what to expect anymore!!

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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