Chapter 1: Troubled minds

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Weeks had drifted by since the devastating attack by Sombra, leaving the city in a state of reconstruction. Sunset Shimmer and her friends were slowly recuperating from their injuries sustained during the last battle.

One bright morning, bathed in the golden rays of the sun, Sunset and Pinkie Pie found themselves in the charming atmosphere of the Sweet Snacks Café. The day was still young, and the cafe was relatively quiet, allowing the few customers present to relax and enjoy their treats in peace. However, Sunset was not sharing the same sense of contentment. She sat in a secluded corner, her face buried in her hands, exuding an air of despondency.

Their high school graduation had come and gone a few months earlier, and it was starting to weigh on Sunset's mind. She felt a growing unease about her future. While she was currently juggling part-time jobs to make ends meet, the money she was earning was far from enough to cover her college tuition for the future. The real question, however, was whether she even knew what she wanted to study or pursue.

Despite her considerable talents in various areas, Sunset remained uncertain about her path. The dreams she had nurtured since her youth—of becoming a powerful princess like Princess Celestia and ruling Equestria—had evolved and changed.

As Sunset was lost in her thoughts, her contemplation was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who waved her finger in front of Sunset's face.

"SUNSET!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Have you heard about the new candy shop in town?" She thrust her phone in front of Sunset, displaying a picture of the enticing store. "It just opened two days ago, and I didn't even get a notification! We have to go there soon!"

Sunset gazed at Pinkie with a troubled expression. "Yeah," she responded with a distant tone. "We should definitely check it out sometime."

Concern flickered in Pinkie's eyes as she probed further. "Hey, is everything okay?"

Sunset Shimmer let out a heavy sigh, her face reflecting her inner turmoil. "I'm not sure what to do now. I've finished high school, but I'm uncertain about going to college. It seems like everyone else is already on their way to building their futures."

"Twilight, for instance, aspires to become an engineer-scientist and is planning to attend Everton University. Applejack wants to deepen her knowledge of farming and baking right here in Canterlot. Rainbow is gearing up for a career in professional sports. Rarity is opening her own boutique. Fluttershy, meanwhile, has always had a passion for veterinary medicine and is already self-studying. And you, Pinkie, are pursuing courses in party planning and baking. Then there's me, who's struggling to figure out what I want."

Sunset slumped forward, resting her head on the table and emitting a despondent groan.

Pinkie's eyes twinkled with enthusiasm. "There are so many exciting things you can explore, Sunset! You could be a rock star or maybe dabble in pastries with me, hmm, although I know you're not too fond of them, but hey! The possibilities are endless!"

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle entered the café, approaching their table. "Rainbow lost her geode this morning."

"Again?" Sunset questioned.

"I know, we've warned her countless times about keeping it safe, but she's not listening," Twilight said, crossing her arms. "Typical Rainbow Dash."

"Did she misplace it in her room again, or worse, in the sports area?" Pinkie mused, "Because it would be a real challenge to find it there."

Twilight gently massaged her temples, a pensive frown furrowing her brow. "She claims her geode vanished this morning, right from her nightstand, next to her lava lamp."

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