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"hey lucas," mike said, sitting right beside them.


"you okay?" mike asked softly. lucas shakes their head.

"i'm sorry," mike said, "where's suzie?"

"it didn't feel right to pretend anymore. dustin and trevor aren't seeing each other anymore so why bother? i mean we agreed to do this whole fake thing until dustin either gets jealous or they and trevor break up. it felt wrong this entire time, to be honest." lucas said.

"do you still like them?"

"yeah, more than i did. i don't even think i like them. it's more like i'm in love with them, but mike, dustin doesn't like me back." after saying that, lucas started crying.

"do you need a hug?" mike asked. lucas nodded and mike let him hug them.

"aw man, i'm missing hugging time?" dustin says walking into the empty classroom.

lucas rubs their eyes, hoping it's not noticeable that they were crying. it didn't work though, somehow, dustin knew.

"lucas what's wrong?" dustin asked, pulling them into a hug.

"so many things. things that you'll think is crazy if i told you."

"we got-" max started to say but got interrupted by what she, el, and will saw.

"oh my god what happened? did someone die?" will questioned.

"no, lucas is having a break down." dustin said.

"-doughnuts and coffee." max finished.

"thanks max," mike said. "lucas, are you in the mood for food and coffee?"

lucas nodded. "yeah, i'd like that. thank you, max."

during the rest of their free time, they talked and laughed about stupid shit. lucas feeling better in the presence of their friends.

"nothing will ever replace the memories i have with you guys." lucas says.

"yeah, you guys are pretty great. i'm so glad i met you guys." dustin smiled.

"if one of us weren't in the friend group, there's no way it would be the same." will replied.

but soon enough, their free time was over, the group groaned, knowing they have to go to class.

"hey, mike," dustin said, catching up with them.

"what's up?"

"do you think lucas likes max? is that why they stopped being with suzie?"

"lucas? no, they don't like max. why?"

"then why was he crying?"

"it's not my place to say, sorry. talk to them, maybe. i don't know." mike says. "i would tell you if lucas gave me permission but they told me not to tell anyone."

"okay, yeah, makes sense. thanks mike,"

"you're welcome, dusty."

here's a shitty update!! this fic is so hard to write. the idea was good in my head but i'm not talented enough to write it. anyway here's this chapter if you want you can leave suggestions <3

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