Be My Rider (Finale)

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Hours earlier...

Luna was escorted by Kobayashi to the Parliament House, which brings some curiosity to the woman as to what news the Governor has for her.

"Why me?" She asked the Samurai warrior.

"I do not know, Luna." Replied Kobayashi, "He told me to come get you, which I did. I have no idea what he's up to."

"Only one way to find out." She said.

She was brought into Mitchell's office for some mission which may seem a bit of a surprise to her.

"Oh Luna, there you are. Come in." Mitchell greeted Luna late at night. Luna and Kobayashi entered the office and sat by the two chairs in front of Mitchell's desk, wondering what Mitchell has in mind for them.

"I've got something to talk with you, Luna." Mitchell told her, as he sat down in front of the two warriors. "I want you to tell me what your thoughts are on the Ender Dragon." He asked.

That surprises Luna a little, she wasn't expecting Mitchell to start getting to the topic of the Ender Dragon.

"Well..." she answered, "I think Jean is... nice and all. She... sorta saved me and Kobayashi when we were attacked back in West Valley. Remember, Kenji?"

Kobayashi seems annoyed by the fact that Luna called him by his first name, "Yes, I remember. And do not ever use my first name on me. It's really disrespectful for a young person to say that to an old man!"

"What are your thoughts on the Ender Dragon, Kobayashi?" Mitchell turned to ask Kobayashi.

The warrior folded his arms and said, "Initially, I do not trust that Ender Dragon. I was quite upset with Y/N from hiding the truth that he has an Ender Dragon with him, which is impossible to tame. My gut kept telling me that either the Ender Dragon manipulated him or did Y/N really 'tame' the Ender Dragon. After all that, during our adventure and how we worked together as a team in fighting that cocksucker (Herobrine), I began to realize that... she's not so bad."

Mitchell nodded, "Very well."

He got up from his chair and pondered around his office, circling around the two warriors. "Isaac came to see me tonight, d'you remember him?" He asked.

"Yeah? He's the Minister of the Imperial State kingdom. We met him two years ago." Replied Luna.

"Right, this is gonna be quite shocking. He manage to discover the Ender Dragon's existence in this world."

The news made Luna and Kobayashi's heart fall, they thought Mitchell would figure out a way to keep Jean's existence confidential from anybody outside of EnderCon city, but the plan did not go the right path.

"Wh- What?!" Luna exclaimed.

"You're kidding!" Kobayashi too.

"I am not, my friends." replied Mitchell.

"Th-Then what are we suppose to do, since the Minister of the Imperial State knows about Jean's existence?" Luna began to panic a little, concerned about what might happen to Jean and themselves. "Sh-Should we leave the city? M-Maybe head somewhere- no. How about we- uhh..."

"Luna, stop." Kobayashi halted her from speaking, "Running away isn't gonna help. The Minister might send bounty hunters to hunt for our heads."

"So... what do you think we should do?" She asked.

Kobayashi looked down with regret and said, "Face the consequences, maybe. Pay for our crimes."

It was a gut-wrenching news for Luna to hear. She wouldn't know how to tell Mick and Y/N about this. Nonetheless, she braces herself for the consequences that she and her friends would face. However, Mitchell let out a small laugh. Kobayashi and Luna were utterly confused to why Mitchell was laughing, until he finally explained.

Be My Rider - Minecraft Ender Dragon x Male! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now