Resurrection ' F '

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Goku and Vegeta pant heavily as Y/n lifts the two of them off the ground. They had been training together and were now completely wiped out.

Y/n: Tell me you brought those Beans this time.

Goku: Y-yeah...

Y/n lays the two of them down and kneels down before giving them both a Senzu Bean out of the pouch on Goku's waist. The two Saiyans chew the Beans and then get up, fully recovered. Meanwhile, Whis's staff goes off.

Vegeta: Damn... To think we still can't get him to go all out without fusion.

Goku: Insane, right? Ehehe!

Y/n: Hey, Whis! Pick that up, will ya?

Whis: Oh, my! I wasn't paying attention.

He looks into his staff.

Whis: A call from Bulma? Helloooo, Bulma?

Bulma: Hey, you finally picked up! No time to explain, we need Goku and Vegeta!

Y/n: Goku can't reach you lot with Instant Transmission from here unless you all raise your power.

Goku, who was trying to sense their energy, nods in confirmation.

Goku: He's right.

Bulma: Alright, you heard the demigod! Power up!

Krillin, Roshi, Tien, Piccolo, and Gohan all power up to their max and Goku locks on to their energy.

Goku: Got 'em! Vegeta, grab on.

He holds his hand out and Vegeta scoffs before taking it and they Instant Transmission to Earth.

Whis: Shall we go?

Beerus: Yes indeed, Y/n, come along.

Y/n: I got it.

He mimics Goku's Instant Transmission and arrives on Earth.

The demigod turns to look at the powerful presence he felt behind him and smirks.

Y/n: Frieza? I thought you were dead. What, you mean someone actually went through the trouble of bringing back an upstart like you? Ha! Was it one of your soldiers?

Frieza: How rude. To think, a stranger appearing out of thin air to insult me! Do you have a death wish?

Y/n just turns his head as Goku and Vegeta arrive via Instant Transmission.

Goku: It's Frieza!

Vegeta: That bastard...!

Y/n: You two can handle him, right? I mean, it's just Frieza.

Frieza: " Just Frieza ", he says... Wait your turn, I'll make you wish for death.

Y/n: Somehow, I doubt that.

He walks over to Bulma and the others.

Y/n: You lot okay?

Bulma: We're fine. But can they beat Frieza?

Y/n: If they can make me work up a sweat, I'd say yes.

Goku and Vegeta begin to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who gets to fight Frieza first.

They both throw their sign, Goku throwing Scissors and Vegeta throwing Paper. Seeing this, Goku chuckles and Vegeta curses under his breath.

Goku: Looks like I'll be fighting you first, Frieza!

Frieza smirks and laughs.

Frieza: I had planned to save killing you for last after stripping you of hope, but I suppose it can't be helped, Goku. You will die.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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