You Have Been Living Here For As Long As You Can Remember

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*Welcome to Whitespace*

*You have been living here for as long as you can remember*

Once again wake up in a room with a seemingly endless amount of space. The only things that i can see are the black lightbulb that is hanging above my head. I walk over to the small black cat that is laying just a few feet in front of me. His name is MEWO, I don't remember how I got him but he is always here for some reason. I pet him a few times while just sitting and thinking. About nothing in particular. Just thinking. I don't remember what I thought about, just that I did. I got up after five... ten minutes? I don't know. And walked over to my laptop and booted it up once again. I stared at the screen for an amount of time (god why can't I remember) It was just the same black and white brick background with a small trashcan icon. I decided to open up my log book and once again it was all the same, only changing between two different entries. "Day???: Today I spent time in white space. Everything was okay." and " Day???: Today I saw my friends. Everything was okay." Speaking of my friends I should go see them again. I got up and heard a crashing sound coming from the left and went to see what it was. A 'shiny kitchen knife' had fallen. I picked it up and began to head to a white door that was just next to where I mainly sit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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