"Chapter One"

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—Zoya you should tell my parents about your feelings for that boy- Noor said taking Zoya by the shoulder
Noor!!, are you aware of what you are telling me to do?? - Zoya said walking away from Noor

You know perfectly well that my parents are enemies to the death with the parents of that boy and you ask me to tell them about my feelings towards him??

Sister I don't think my parents are so bad not to let you go out with that boy- Noor said looking at her sister

You know Noor about my mother, I don't think so, but you know how my father is, he's very difficult to convince, being one of his enemies...

Sister I think you should do it, enough of always repressing and hiding your feelings just because you are afraid of what dad will say, if you continue living in fear of what they will always say, you will never live your life - said the youngest taking the hands of the oldest.

It's okay you win again this time, I'll tell my father about what I feel, what else can happen??, he couldn't be more disappointed in me.—Zoya said touching father, fear invaded her as she knew how her father would react, she just didn't want him to be disappointed in her again, but her feelings were before her father would think.

Zoya did not want to wait any longer and would take advantage of the opportunity of dinner to talk with her parents, she did not worry about her mother, since she was very understanding, the real problem was her father.

Zoya, Noor go down to dinner your father came from work, come down right away— Zoya's mother said walking up the stairs.

It is true that your daughters are not here in the dining room yet, you know perfectly well that I like punctuality and they should already be here waiting to have dinner together-Wassim said very annoyed.

Wassim Calm down please, Zoya is finishing her school activities, and Noor too, remember that our daughters are still studying and they must be responsible.– Said the wife trying to calm her husband

What's more, look, they're already here.

The girls went down to the dining room together and greeted their father – Dad you are here diko Noor hugging his father.

Enough of greetings deign to leave your room, 30 minutes after I arrive?, Take a seat and let's eat - Said the father of the family angrily

The girls sat next to their parents and everything went very well at dinner, the father talking about the new things he was doing in the company , the mother on the other hand talking about her institutions and the girls were always there to listen to what their parents said.

Dad– Interrupted the minor– Zoya has something to tell us

It is something very important because I see that you interrupted me, but you must let her say what she needs, devie Noor, the father told the minor..

Well, Zoya, what is that so important that you want to tell us? said the father, looking at his eldest daughter

O- oh well- and- I wanted, I wanted... –said the eldest daughter quite nervous before her father's look

Come on Zoya speak now!!-Wassim exclaimed angrily.

Wassim, please don't yell at Zoya, don't you see that your yelling makes her much more nervous- Zoya's mother exclaimed.

Zoya dear, what is that you have to tell us? Don't worry, you have the confidence to say it– said the mother, taking her daughter's hand.

Come on Zoya do it, you told me you would- Noor exclaimed

Well what I wanted to tell you is I'm in love with Yash Arora. –Zoya said freeing herself from that burden.

A silence was present in the dining room, when his father heard that news, his eyes became angry...
Wassim got up from the table hitting this same Roshnaq did you hear what your daughter just said??
How is it possible that you are going to fall in love with that boy, you know perfectly well that his father is our worst enemy and you come and fall in love with him??Zoya are you aware of what you say, do you only think about what society is going to say??– Wassim said quite annoyed.

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