Chapter 23 - Aaron

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This was honestly one of the most stressful weeks of my life.

I could not get my mind off of Alessandra, I could not stop worrying about her. I knew that when I had left her alone she did awful things to herself and I dreaded the times I would have to go to work and leave her alone.

TW: eating disorder!!!

I had started watching her eat every meal of the day just to make sure she did. She had such an obsession with weight even though she was truly the most gorgeous body I have ever seen. I love her toned stomach, long torso, and thick thighs. I love every part of her I just wish she felt the same way about herself.

I had seen her purge, binge, and starve herself under her parent's roof way back when. But let me tell you something it was absolutely not going to happen in my house. I watched diligently everytimes she ate. Watching and tracking her eating (unknowing to her ofc), as well as taking all calories off labels, and keeping her busy after eating. It's not that I didn't trust her it's that I was worried I was responsible for her and I was not going to fail as her parents had.

They were the ones who made her feel like she had to hate and attack her body. I found myself responsible for mending that hate. I wanted nothing more in life than to show her truly how much I could worship her body. I wanted to praise it and degrade it and shower it with love and affection. I intended to do so soon but I need to give her some time to get better although she walks around like she did not spend 4 days in and out of a depressive state. No matter what she was going to learn to love her body the way I loved it. I mean after all, it will belong to me soon enough.


I have to go to work in a few hours but I have yet to tell Alessandra. She was sitting quietly in the living room reading a book.

I came to bring her a snack,

"here darling" I hand her a chocolate chip muffin

"awe thank you but I'm okay" she mutters barely looking up from her book.

"it's not a suggestion" I pull the book from her hands.

She rolls her eyes at me, taking the plate.

"absolutely not" I try and contain my rage

"what-" she asks all annoyed by the reaction

Oh, she begged for it at this point. I want to just throw her over my lap for god sake

I grasp her neck tightly but do not restrict her airway. "You will not roll your eyes at me again do you understand? Because so help me God if you don't lose that attitude"

A hint of Fear is clear in her eyes but I could not hold myself back. I let go and she immediately looks down playing with her hands.

"You seriously need an attitude check, cause you're driving me insane okay"

She nods "maybe that's why I have it." she replies before she can think of the words she has said. She instantly regrets her words and looks away.

"Well in that case you deserve whatever happens next" I retort.

At this point, her blush is close to permanent whenever I'm around.

I have been trying my best to contain myself but she just begging and pleading to push against a wall with my hand around her neck.

"what happened next?" she question not so innocently biting her lip.

May the lord bless her.

Within an instance, I have my hand wrapped around her neck making the most gorgeous necklace I have seen on her since I have known her. She pushed hard against the wall and my knee pushes her thighs apart leaving her all breathless and regretful. All of a sudden that fear is replaced with curiosity and arousal

"I told you not to test me, did I not, darling?"

She nods slowly looking up at me with those huge dark blue eyes. I feel her heart beating as my hand is resting on her main artery. She was clearly enjoying this too much which was only more fun for me. Her thighs tried to come together as she attempted to clench them together to limit the sparks running through her body.

"Someone aroused..." she looks down instantly blushing tomato read.

I tightened my grasp a bit for her to look at me and she did reluctantly. Our noses were practically touching at this point.

I didn't even need to feel her know she was wet. As I edged my thigh high she just raised on her tippy toes.

And then I just let go I back up a few steps my eyes never leaving her as she relaxes a bit but stays in the same position..

After the initial shock wears off she presses her thigh tightly together and peals herself from the wall.

"uhh I have to use the bathroom," she says practically sprinting out of the room

"you know love if you need anything all you have to do is ask"

I hear her footsteps stop suddenly and a small gasp escapes her mouth. God the effect she had on me drove me absolutely mad. Then she ran up the stairs barricading herself in her room.


I had let her calm down for a while after our little interaction earlier. I have some stuff to get done anyway and spending time away from her would hopefully help make me less obsessed. It didn't.

I came to her room knocking a few hours later. Her tiny footsteps reached the door and opened it. Seeing me she blushed furiously remembering earlier. Guess I had an effect on her too. I pushed my way in hopping onto the bed as if it was my room. Oh, wait that's right it is.

Eventually, her blush went away and she jumped on the bed next to me. I was resting my eyes for a bit when she started squirming in the bed causing the entire thing to move a bit. Annoyed I grabbed her pulling her close. She stilled instantly from contact.

My hand traced her thick thigh up her thin waist. God her body is stunning. Al was so stiff, she was not breathing at all. Suckin' in all her air in. I placed my hand on her lower stomach she grabbed my hand instantly.

"breathe baby" I whispered into her neck

She did letting out a loud sigh

"good girl"

I flipped her over getting on top of her. Bebe was all red again it so cute. "your body is so stunning stop hiding it from me"

"Come on let's make dinner" I grab her hand dragging her down the stair to the kitchen.

"What you making"

"you?, what do you mean "you" WE are making dinner" I answer acting all offended

"oh god- its not gonna be edible"

"yes it will ill guide you" I want to guide her in many things this is just the beginning.

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