Darcy's birthday party

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Casey and Rebecca were talking to school when Maddy and VJ came up to them the siblings said hi to their friends Rebecca sees Hunter she smiles as he walks up to them VJ, Rebecca and Hunter walk ahead of Maddy and Casey. 

"So where is Denny," Maddy asked Casey since it's been a few days since anyone has seen her and usually you would always see Denny with Casey they were joined at the hip and everyone thought that Denny was better for Casey better than any of his ex's he has ever been with.

"She's in the city visiting her mum," Casey tells her Maddy looks down at her phone then she smiled and Casey guessed it was Matt since he was the only one who could make Maddy smile that way not even when Maddy was with Spencer he couldn't make her smile in the way that Matt does.

"Who texting you," Casey says in a teasing way which made Maddy laugh at him Casey and Maddy have came really good friends over the years which Evie isn't happy about it and she had made that known when Evie would see Casey she would see Denny and Casey was their since Evie still hasn't gotten over that Maddy dumped Oscar to be with Matt.

"Matt, I am grounded so I'm not allowed to hang out with him and Roo took my phone off me so I'm using Spencer's old phone," Maddy tells Casey he was not shocked that Maddy was doing that since Matt and Maddy's cant goes five mins without talking to each other.

"Why are you grounded," Casey asked her as they continued to walk to school 

"I had Matt over and I didn't tell Roo and Mr Stewart walked in on us in the shower," Maddy tells Casey which made him laugh that Alf caught them in the shower 

While at school Rebecca, VJ and Hunter walk into a class where Piper was waiting for them Rebecca sits down next to her when their teacher walked in. After class Rebecca and Hunter are watching Piper and VJ play football 

"Don't you like football?" Rebecca asked Hunter since everyone in their friend group play football and love it 

"Not really, what about you," Hunter says to Rebecca he asked her that since he has never seen her play football than that one time when VJ talked her into it 

"I like to surf more than anything," Rebecca tells him with a smile Piper gives her friend a look since she knows that Rebecca has started to like Hunter more than a friend but Rebecca thinks that Hunter will never feel the same way that she does and she also doesn't think she could deal with his mother since she hates her and wants to punch her in the face.

When school was over Darcy walked into Bianca's office she looked up from her desk and sees her stepdaughter 

"Hey Das, let's go home," Bianca says as she stands up and grabs her handbag getting ready to leave to go home sometimes Bianca wishes that Darcy would call her mum but she knows that she never will since Tegan was an amazing mother to her and she wouldn't want to take her place. 

"Can I go to see mum's grave?" Darcy asked she has been missing her mum a lot lately and even though she knows that if her mum was still alive then she would not be living with her dad throughout the week she would live with her uncle Brax and Brax wouldn't be with Rickey and more so when it's her birthday and she's not here for it.

"Yeah, of course, let's go," Bianca says she knows how hard this must be on Darcy and she will try what she can to help her and Bianca knows there will always be a big hole in her life since Tegan is gone when they arrived at Tegan's grave Darcy walks up to the given Bianca stands back and lets her have this time to talk to her mum. 

"Hi mum, it's my birthday and I wish you were here and we could do what we would always do on my birthday with uncle Brax and dad, I love you mum," Darcy says as she places a kiss over where her mother's name is when Bianca and Darcy got home Irene hugs Darcy and wished her a happy birthday. Irene wasn't going to Darcy's birthday party that's at Heath's mother's house Irene has to work, Darcy walks over to where her brothers are Rocco was playing with his toy cars while Harley was on his playmat. Heath walks through the door he hugs Darcy and kisses her on the head 

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