Eddie Munson | Gareth x y/n smvt

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Wake up! Someone shouts in my ear. Huh what? You question. I heard a chuckle, GARETH! how are you at my house and in my room and why! I scream. Well in case you forgot we have plans with Eddie. He smirks and tells me to get ready. Hurry up! Gareth shouts from downstairs. My intrusive morning thoughts started like usual but I thought for a second. Do I like Gareth and Eddie I mean Gareths  voice kinda turns me on especially when he's yelling and Eddie just being him turns me on.I look up to see Gareth and he's biting his lip while holding the top of my bedroom door. What did you just say? He questions. Did I really say that out loud you say looking flustered I  blushed and looked away from him. He grabs my chin and makes me look up at him while he smirks, he slowly leans in and stares into my eyes. y/n your so hot when your flustered he says with a growl in his voice. He leaned in more and started to kiss me , i break the kiss and  look at him, he's blushing hard. D- Do you like that y/n... he mumbles. y-yes I say flustered. He leans in again and he grabs my ass hard as he slips his tongue into my mouth, as the kiss quickly turns into making out he lets out quiet moans into my mouth, as we're  making out his phone rings, I  brake the kiss. He looks over and picks up his phone, shit it's Eddie we're late he says as I started to slide on my  Shoes.

*fast forwarded to in Gareths car*

I look at Gareth and he's tapping the steering wheel while smiling, I blush and look away. You know y/n I love those shorts on you, I feel myself blush, oh uhm thank you, I smile and look away quickly. As I look outside the car window I feel a hand with cold rings on my thigh I  look over to see Gareth admiring me. Keep your eye on the road I say blushing. Gareth squeezes my thigh as he starts inching his hand closer to my warmth. I start to get wet and Gareth knows I am, he winks and looks back at the road.

*At Eddie's *

Hey guys Eddie says. Hey Gareth smiles, I go to say hi but Gareth grabs my ass and I  let out a sharp exhale instead. You okay y/n Gareth smirks
Yup mhm just fine I say as I walk into Eddie's trailer. We all walk into Eddie's room and sit on his bed. So y/n how are you Eddie asks, me oh I'm good you smile. Hey y/n can you get us some water please
Gareth asks. Uh sure I say smiling. I walk into the kitchen and can here Gareth whispering to Eddie about what happened and what I said earlier that morning, I sigh knowing Eddie will mock me forever about it. I start pouring the water and start to Carry the glasses to Eddie's room.

Eddie Munson | Gareth x  y/n Where stories live. Discover now