Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

"What's your thoughts?" her face leans from her side of the table towards mine as she waits for my thoughts on the food she created.

I chew from the left through right, making sure my taste buds can recognize the perfect combining taste I was looking for.

And — there it is.

I swallow the stew and sighed. I stir the plate and looked at her which was soon followed by a proud smile.

"You've perfected the dish," I said that making her screech in glad. She gets up and lounges at me along with kisses all over my face.


"Yup, it is in fact delicious"

She goes back to her seat and started eating her side of the plate as she finally heard the comments she's been dying to hear.

In minutes, she immediately finished while holding her full stomach.

"Homecoming at 6 right?"

"Yup, something along that time"

"Excited?" She never answered but giggled as she looks at her plate. "You really do, huh?"

She shook her head side by side. "Yeah, I guess. I'm excited to see them dress up for this event"

"Do you have any homecoming partner that'll be going with you? Is Flynn not busy this certain day? I thought he's your partner?"

"I mean — yeah, but I — I heard a word from him that she's going to — you know, come to the school with her Mom"

I drank the glass of water beside my plate. "Wait, I thought the homecoming man was supposed to get the girl for a ride to the school? Isn't that how it works?"

"I don't know" she slightly chuckles before getting up, about to bring my plate with hers to the kitchen.

"Thank you, hone—" my words are paused when the glass of water I was holding fell off her hands. The both of us were startled but soon realized what happened.

"I'm sorry, Mum" she puts down the plates and stutters stepping, not knowing what to do.

"You know what, honey, get these plates in the kitchen, I got this"

"No, no, I insist"

"Honey, do what I say" I commanded which made her follow. She carried the plate into the kitchen while I started sweeping the glass shards scattered all over the floor. "And also one more thing"

"Be ready"

"For what?"

"We're heading to the salon — to treat you up for today"

"No way!" She screamed all the way from the kitchen in exhilaration.

Mrs. Lumpwood

"Mrs. Lumpwood, the raw products are here!" a call from the entrance of the main hall echoes through its massive and tall space.

From the lights, my head spun at the student from the entrance. "Bring them in the school's cafeteria kitchen, be sure to have triple the amount of portion than what we expect that they'll consume, okay?"

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