Introducing the children

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Hello everyone! To start off with a few warnings!


I am not good at keeping writing schedules at the moment because of life but I do love to write so I will try to go offline at times to try to catch up with life and write out a few chapters so I do apologize in advance for people who do like this story! I also write other stories, but I got rid of a few to focus on the ones that are more important at the moment.

Lots of people don't like the omegaverse because of mpreg and r@pe, but you only have to worry about mpreg and it will not be brought up too often. Only about three times and maybe mentions of what it was like. But I'll try to make it enjoyable for you when I do have to mention it.

The story will be in a one-shot format with random insights on things. It is following the same storyline and will be in the order of events, it'll just be random events!

And my last warning is to just continue on if you want to find out more about the children but just continue onto the story if you wanna find out through the story~

~The Vanoe Children~
Noelle Archiviste of the blue moon clan.
The first born Child.
Noelle was born female.
She has greyish-white hair and dark blue eyes.
Her hair goes only slightly past her shoulders and is extremely curly. Her eyes are just like Noe.
She is able to see memories when drinking blood like her father, but she can't feel the emotions. She also is incapable of using the books of Vanitas.
She has a bit of Vanitas "strict" personality but she doesn't enjoy jokes much. Out of her entire family, she'd the most mature and typically uses logic in different situations. In an argument, she would usually side with Vanitas, but believe it or not, her "favorite" parent is Noe, as she enjoys his curiosity of the world.

Valentine Archiviste of the blue moon clan.
The second born, born 2 years after Noelle.
Valentine was born male.
He has mostly back hair with hints of white and the top of his head is a dark grey. His eyes are purple.
His hair is poofy, going to his chin. His eyes are shaped like Vanitas.
He is unable to see memories, but he can feel emotions. He's able to open the book and can use the book of Vanitas sometimes.
Just like Noe, he's extremely curious about life. He gets excitable about lots of things, even things he already knows about. He tends to let his emotions control his feelings, and he's rather insistent on how it's the best choice.
In an argument, he would rather help find a solution, He also says he doesn't have a favorite parent, but if he had to pick, he really enjoys bothering Vanitas.

Luna Archiviste of the blue moon clan.
The last born, born 8 years after Noelle and 6 years after Valentine.
Luna was born female, but just happens to be non-binary.
They have pure white hair and bright blue eyes.
They grew out their hair to match Vanitas, their hair is straight. Their eyes are shaped like Noe's.
They have both of their fathers powers, but it overwhelms them and can make them sick so they avoid using either.
Their personality is more like Noe's. They are usually quiet and to themselves, but they do find the world beautiful. They tend to get bored of similar things or things they have already seen.
In an argument, they prefer to stay out of it and ignore it. If you were to ask them their favorite parent, they would say Vanitas. Only because vanitas had attached himself to them.

~The DomiJeanne Children~
Louise De Sade .
The first born of the twins, born one year after Noelle.
Louise was born female.
She has yellow eyes like her mother's and white hair. Her hair goes to her shoulders and in a bob-cut that curls at the end. Her eyes match her mother Domi's eyes. Of course, has the de sade powers of cryokinesis. Ironically enough, her personality grows to be like Domi's older sister. She holds herself above all of the other children. Although when she was younger, she shared a lot of her personality with Jeanne. If you were to ask her favorite parent, as a young child she'd say Jeanne, but as she gets older she would insist that her parents hold no importance to her and therefore neither deserve the title of favorite.

Louis De Sade.
The second born of the twins, born one year after Noelle..
Louis was born male..
He has yellow eyes, and black hair. His hair goes slightly past his shoulders, typically in a low ponytail. His eye shapes are a mix of his parents. He has the power of the de sade. His personality just happens to be a mix of both of Domi's brothers. He has a tendency to be quiet and to himself, but a bit sadist when the time comes for it. He makes sure to always have a smile on his face. When he was younger, he also shared a lot of Jeanne's personality. If you were to ask his favorite parent, as a child he would say neither, but now he likes to say Domi because of the family. He finds delight in tormenting her with his presence as he had learned it from his aunt and uncle.

~The Roland x Olivier child~.
Haven Fortis-(Olivier's last name).
Haven is adopted and was found when they were 6..
They are 4 years older than Noelle..
Haven was born male, they're non-binary..
They have brown eyes and dark blue hair.

Haven's hair is long and goes to their mid back, their hair is usually in a braid or a bun. Their eyes are a bit slanted.
They were born a vampire, so they have all of the powers of one. They also have the ability of hydrokinesis.
Their personality started off as shy and easily excitable, but as they grew up, they began to give off a more elegant feeling. They act mature around younger people but when it comes to people they trust, they're not afraid to lay down their masks.
If they were asked who was their favorite parent, they would probably say both are right before giving a lecture on how you should never compare two very different people based on personal opinion.

I'll try to update here whenever I update on Ao3 but I will admit, I probably will forget or will not feel like it. 

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