"I'm sorry."

"Shut up."


"Because your so cute when you apologize and it makes me want to forgive you." You explained truthfully.

"I am? Well good. I want you to forgive me. I can use that to my advantage, can't I?" He asked.

"Yes, but please don't." He completely ignored your request.

"Please forgive me, (y/n)." He took your hand into his and held it with both of his. "Please? I know what I did was wrong and I won't do it again. I'm so... so... so sorry. Will you forgive me, (y/n)? Please?" He said with a half smile and his eyes glimmering. His hair covered his eye and he cutely brushed it behind his ear.

"Oh my god stop." You blushed.

"Looks like my tomato is embarrassed." He teased as you blushed even more.

"Your tomato?"

"Yup. Mine." Your breath sped up for some reason, even though you knew he wasn't asking you out. It just sent a shiver down your spine when he called you his.

"Whatever. Just tell me why you did it." You breathed.

"Nope." He said cheerfully.

"Aww, why not?"

"Because it doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does!"

"No it doesn't. (Y/n), I'm not going to argue with you about this." He said sternly.

"Well I am." You thought for a minute. "You said I'm cute before, right?"


"Well I can't agree with you, but I want to try something."

"Ok what?"

"Oh, please Sasaki? Please tell me. It would mean so much to me. It would make me so happy! Please Sasaki?" You grabbed his hand and hugged his arm and snuggled into his side. "Pretty please? I'll do anything." You said and buried your head in his chest. His face turned white and and then he blushed.

"F-fine. But after school. Got it?"

"Oh, thank you Sasaki!" You said, still trying your best to be adorable. You didn't think you were, but his heart rate was a pretty good argument against your opinion.

"You can stop now."  He said softly. "Please... stop." He asked of you when you didn't say anything.

"Ok." You giggled. He smiled down at you. You held his hand as you both walked closer to the food serving area. You locked your fingers in his and rested your head on his shoulder.

Sasaki looked at all of the food first.

"What would you like, Kiki?" The lunch lady asked Sasaki. You laughed silently at his nickname and  buried your face in his chest so your loud laughing was not too loud and rude.

"Um, I'll have a, uhh... Peach tea, slice of cheese pizza and cheese cake. Thank you."

"Anytime, Kiki, my boy." She said and Sasaki went to sit down. "And for you, pretty girlfriend of Kiki?"

"Uh, I'm not his girlfriend," you said sadly. "But I will have... hmm... uh... three pieces of broccoli. Thank you."

"Anything to drink?"

"Naw I'll be fine."

"Ok, my dear. Just don't shrivel away!"

"Ill try my best." You laughed.

You looked down at your three sad looking pieces of steamed broccoli. You wanted to eat, but you appetite around Sasaki vanishes. He makes you so nervous that it feels like if you eat anything the butterflies will push it back out.

You looked over at the emptiest table. The only one there was Sasaki. He waved at you and gestured for you to come sit by him. You did.

"Oh, hello... Kiki." You teased.

"Ewww stawppp. Her nicknames are the worst, aren't they?"

"Yes I agree. It's my first time getting lunch from her and I already have two!"

"What are they?"

"I... uh... my nickname is dear... and... uh..."

"And what?"

"And girlfriend of Kiki." You said quieter. He smiled at you.

"That doesn't bother you... does it?" He grinned.

"Umm , no."

"Ok good." He said and took a bite of his pizza. He looked down at your plate and looked back up at you. "Is this all you ever eat? No wonder yours so skinny."

"Haha no. I normally eat more. But not today."

"Why not? You are going to be skin and bones if you keep this up." He looked genuinely worried.

"No I'll be fine." He opened his tea and took a sip.

"You aren't hungry?"

"No not really." You said poking your broccoli with disgust.

"Ok, but you must be thirsty." He said.

"Yeah..." You admitted.

"Have some Peach Tea." He suggested and handed you the can. You looked down at it, and got butterflies. He had put his mouth on the drink before, so if you did was it like kissing him? And lately he hasn't seemed to want to kiss you anymore, so it felt wrong to drink out of it.

You knew your worries were unnecessary and pathetic but you couldn't shove them out of your head.

"Oh. I know the problem. You must be a germaphobe. Here." He pulled two straws out of his pocket and put them in. He got orange and you got green, your favorite color. You smiled, not wanting to explain that the problem was not that you were a germaphobe.

"Thank you, Sasaki." You smiled at him.

"Yup." You took a sip and it was really good. You hadn't had soda for a while because you couldn't afford it with all the other things you pay for. The sweetness was on point. Delicious.

Then he leaned down and took a sip too. Your faces were so close together, you wanted to kiss him. Even just touch his cheek would do, but you suppressed that urge as to not startle him or make him uncomfortable.

"I don't want to take too much of your tea. It is yours after all."

"Ok thank you. It's good isn't it?"

"Omg it's delicious."

"I know right? It's so good!" It was adorable how worked up he got about tea. So cute. "And anyways, can you please tell me now? We're basically alone so it's ok."

"No not yet." He blushed. "I don't want to tell you in the first place so don't push me."

"Pleaseeeee? Nobody can hear us..."

"So? It's like this. Would you make out with a teacher right here in front of everyone. They can't hear you."

"But they can see me."

"But they can't hear you. It's the same thing. I don't feel comfortable saying something so private in such a public area."

"Well I don't think it's the same thing but whatever. I can wait, but don't take too long, my carrot."

"Your carrot?"

"Yes. Mine. If you can call me your tomato for blushing, I can call you my carrot for wearing only orange and having orange hair."

"Haha ok fine. But your still my tomato."

"I know."

Sasaki x Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant