Undignified Response

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(Happy belated birthday to galxcticslxt)

"Have you no sense of shame?" The voice came quick. Alexander turned quickly, glaring at the man. 

"Who gave you a say?"

Thomas rose a brow, crossing his arms. He took a deep breath, sighing. "That's not what I'm here about, truthfully. Alexander, what you did was foolish, you and I can see. Making a sex scandal public, what use was there?"

"I assume it was an undignified response to a rumor I could've overlooked."

"That much is true," Thomas examined Alexander's face. He looked tired, most certainly drained. Despite the disputes often shared, he felt pity for the man. "Might I sit down with you?"

Alexander's brows furrowed, and he glared up at Thomas. "Why would you?" He scuffed. "A Democratic-Republican sitting with a Federalist doesn't seem part of your agenda, Mr. Jefferson."

There was a few moments of silence before the Virginian man moved to take a seat. "Truly, politics never quite mattered. Especially behind closed doors."

Hamilton hummed quietly, looking to the floor. Thomas has been the only person who offered to sit beside him in a while. It was quite the assumption; the sex scandal was. Of course, everyone has their reasons for unspeaking acts. People cheat, lie, and steal to get what they want and repent later when they have it. How was he much different?

"It's odd not hearing you talk, Alexander," the Virginian teased. Alexander chuckled a bit, turning to Thomas.

"My apologies; I assumed you wouldn't want to hear it."

"You've got a lot on your mind, Alexander. If you wish, you may talk about it."

"Are you going to use it against me?" The younger man inquired. Thomas shook his head, offering a smile.

"I believe it's about time we set the foolish games aside. Talk to me, Alexander."

The tone Thomas used sounded promising, oddly kind. Alex felt stupid for wanting to trust Thomas, but how much dirt could be kicked over his name now that he is already humiliated?

"Well, if I'm honest, none of what I said happened. It was more than some publicity movement through a sex scandal." Alexander paused, considering his words carefully. "It was a coverup. There is no outer evidence to prove the sex scandal happened, is there?"

Jefferson perked a brow. "Is James Monroe correct then?"


"The whole ordeal being no more than a financial scandal."

"I can't confirm or deny," Alex spoke softly, leaning back in his seat. "Thomas, can you honestly blame me if it was? I am digging deeper into debt and beginning to drown in it. It's no excuse for what I've done, but I promised James Reynolds revenue from whatever came forth. I had nothing to pay his poor wife even if the sex scandal had been true."

"And your wife, she knows?"

"She helped me write it. Informing me of what details I should add." 

"I found it odd that you placed more eloquence in the words you wrote for Ms. Reynolds than you did yourself."

"I never said I was a good liar, Mr. Jefferson," Alexander muttered. 

Thomas sighed, pulling Alexander closer. He ran his fingers through the man's hair, trying to remove any knots before it became matted. "I suppose you didn't have to be. People took the idea of a sex scandal and went ballistic."

"Consider the humiliation it placed onto my family name."

"Nothing that won't blow over in the next couple of years," Thomas assured, meeting Alexander's eyes. "And even if it takes longer, you can still make a better name for yourself. Look at what you created, and you're still working on it. There is certainly more for you to be remembered by."

Alexander smiled a bit, leaning his head onto Thomas's arm. "You know, I never considered that a sit-down discussion with you would be worth my time, Mr. Jeffferson. But, you managed to prove me wrong."

"I'm gifted," Thomas chuckled. He had no way of relating to Alexander; more or less did he know how to communicate it. He had been putting together nonsense, hoping it would help. Regardless, Alexander seemed to calm down.

Both men sat silent for a moment, but the silence wasn't awkward. It was peaceful. 

"Tell me, Mr. Hamilton... are you a man for literature?"

"Depends upon the author."


"I prefer Voltaire," Alexander grinned. "And quite often, I'm keener on reading history books."

"Well, mind that Shakespeare wrote quite the abundance during his time, including a couple of biographies."

"Yes, in which some of the stuff never happened. Therefore, labeling it as historical fiction."

"You seem certain."

"Julius Ceaser never said, 'you too, Brutus?'."

Jefferson grinned. "You've most certainly read the source."

"Certainly. And people believe I write a lot."

"In a political sense, yes," Jefferson laughed. "In the art of literature, I wouldn't know."

Alexander chuckled. "I dabble in poetry from time to time. I wrote a Sonette to Eliza when we were first engaged. It might've been sooner than that."

"That was sweet of you."

"Yes, but I feel that, somehow, those feelings have shifted."

"What do you mean?" Jefferson questioned. He glanced over Alexander's face, counting the bits of freckles that showed through. 

"I still love her, but those affections belong to other people," Hamilton explained quietly, staring at the ceiling. "I know it is selfish of me, but I truly believe I'm in love with another."

"Who is it?" Thomas questioned, tilting his head to the side.

Alexander's words faltered, and he seemed to stare blankly. Thomas sighed, playing with the Caribbean man's hair. 

"There's no need to share those details, Alexander. That's something you should be able to keep private."

The younger sighed, the tensity melting from his stance. Alex buried his face into Thomas's side, much more drained than he cared to admit. He glanced up at Thomas once more, shocked that he found comfort in the man's face. "Thank you, Thomas."

"What for?"

"For being willing to talk to me. You haven't judged me once during this talk, and you've just been kind."

"Well, Alexander. I suppose we all have things we wish to hide, but there are things that we need to get off of our chests from time to time. And you've learned that."

"I have... thank you."

"You're welcome."


Alexander smiled as he walked into Thomas's office, stopping by his desk. "Mr. Jefferson."

"Mr. Hamilton."

"How has your day been?" Alexander inquired, setting a couple of things down. He quickly read over a page, smiling in satisfaction.

"Uneventful." Thomas laughed, setting his quill into the ink well. "Yours?"

Alexander walked over, placing a kiss on Thomas's lips. "I believe mine just got better," he teased, ruffling Thomas's hair. 

Thomas chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Of course, it did, dear. It's my charm factor, isn't it?"

Alexander snorted, shaking his head. "I suppose you could say that."

"And that I shall!" Thomas grinned, placing another kiss on Alexander's lips. "Love you, dear."

"I love you as well."

And that love is stronger than any rumor.

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