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You was packing your suitcase in delight, because today was the day that you moved in with your friends. Your friends' names was Robin and Harry, y'all were friends since middle school, but sadly they moved away, but luckily, you still had their numbers in your phone. About four days ago, you asked them if you could live with them and they pretty much said it was cool, but when you told your mom that you was moving out, she was torn since she thought that you was going to move out in like, another year or so, but nevertheless, she approved of your decision. Once you finished packing all of your valuables, you exited your room and began to walk downstairs, and when you made it downstairs, you looked at your phone and looked at the time. "Ah, just 2:00?" You mumbled, knowing that you had four hours before you had to leave and go to the bus station, and since your mom gets off of work two hours from now, you just simply shrugged and sat on the living room couch and began to look at TV.

After about an hour of doing this, you decided to just take a nap. While you was napping, you heard your phone ring, making you jolt up in surprise. You then picked up your phone to see who it was and you saw that it was Harry's phone number, so you answered the phone. "He-" you started, but before you could finish the word, you got cut off by a loud, deep, "Hello cuz!" Startling you a bit, but you already knew who it was. "Hey Man-" "Oh my gosh! I'm so excited you're staying here!" "I'm excite-" "And Harry and Robin are excited too!" "That's gr-" "That's all I wanted to say, oh! And I love you bye!" "B-" and with this he hung up. You then sighed and put your phone back down and went back to napping. An hour later, the sound of the front door opening woke you up, and you figured that it was your mom since no one else had the key to the house. Unsurprisingly, it was your mom. "Hey mom," you greeted, now sitting up on the couch. "Hey honey," she smiled, entering the house. "How was work?" You asked, while she was approaching the kitchen counter. "Eh, it was good," she shrugged, putting her keys on the counter. After she did this, she walked over towards you. Once she made it to the back of the couch, she looked to the right side of you and noticed that your suitcase was packed. "Ah, so I see that you have everything packed, eh?" She smirked, causing you to look back at her. "Huh? Oh, yeah everything's all packed, and I'm ready to leave," you beamed, now looking back down at your suitcase. "Hm, I still don't know why you're leaving?" She asked, looking at you with a raised brow, causing you to just simply shrug and sillily say, "Eh, I just want to, ya know go out and see knew things and probably see knew people," stretching out your arm and moving it in a semi-circle motion, causing your mom to stifle a laugh and just shake her head. She then asked what time did you have to be at the bus station and you told her at 6:00. When you told her this, she said that y'all would have to leave in the next forty five minutes which you just nodded in response, and after you did this she left you alone. You then went back on your phone and just started scrolling on it for the next thirty minutes.

You then noticed that forty five minutes passed by, by looking at the time on your phone, this caused you to instantly spring up and exclaim, "Hey ma! It's 4:45!" To your mom. "Alright, I'll be down in a tick!" Your mom yelled back, causing you to mumble an "Alright," grabbing your f/c roller suitcase in the process. After you did this, you put on your shoes and stood by the door. About twenty minutes later, your mom finally came downstairs, and approached the kitchen table. Ok, I'm ready, she smiled, grabbing her car keys, causing you to smile at her. Ok great, let's go! You impatiently exclaimed, now walking to the car, with your f/c roller suitcase in one of your hands.

When you got made it to the car, you put your suitcase in the back seat and you got in the front seat. Your mom then got in the driver's seat, put the key into the ignition and drove off. While she was driving, you conversed with her for like thirty minutes, while you scrolled on your phone the last twenty. Once y'all made it to the bus station, your mom offered to take your suitcase inside. You declined her offer at first, but she insisted on taking it in, so you just simply shrugged and said 'Ok.' You then got out of the car and and went inside the bus station, you realized that you had to get on the bus in about another forty minutes, so when your mom checked in your bags, you told her that you had to get in your line, so you said your goodbyes and went to your boarding line.

Ok, well this chapter is done! Hope y'all like it, and have a good day/night!

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