Get to know me

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hi yall so the next chapter is taking longer then expected again so I'm gonna do a get to know me while yall r waiting x

name: jen

age: 14

country: Ireland

sign: aries

fav song: greyhound ~ calpurnia

sexuality: bisexual 

pronouns: she/they

biggest fear: probs spiders lol

fav movie: Harry Potter or the goldfinch

special skill: I can solve a rubik's cube if that counts lol

fav movie/TV show character:either boris pavlikovskey, miles fairchild or Georgie cooper lol

fav actor: either finn wolfhard or lin Manuel miranda 

fav band: calpurnia

insecurity: my teeth

apperence: I have like brown shortish hair and green eyes 

height: 4'11" - five foot

birthday: 10th of April

family: I have a half brother and a half sister

Fav subject at school: art or English 

hobbys: writing, art and gaming ig

pets: I have a cat called Georgie lol ( hes not named after Georgie cooper it was the name the original owners had for him and we kept it)

yea thats it lol

this was so random and idk why I wrote it but I needed to get a chapter out cus the one I'm writing now is taking ages so yea, and also tysm for over 2k reads, like wow that's alot, I'm extremely  grateful tysm 

-jen x

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