Grande Frappuccino

Start from the beginning

"Yes I have money with me." You smiled up to him and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and rested his hand on your upper back. You sighed exasperatedly.

"What?" He mused.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" You rolled his eyes. What a dummy.

"Kiss my cheek, forehead, and even lips, cuddle me, hold my hand, and now look at you!" You pointed at his arm on you.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked cluelessly.


"Oh I dunno. I guess it's cause I don't have a significant other and I doubt you have one."

"What is that supposed to mean!? You doubt I have one???" You said defensively.

"No I don't mean it like that. Anyways, I guess I do it cause we are both free and I wanted to see your expression. It's absolutely hilarious so I keep doing it, and you don't seem too bothered so it works out." You frowned when he said your expression is hilarious.

"Ok." You said quietly and went up to the front to order. Sasaki followed right behind.

"What would you like today?" The blonde worker said. He turned his face towards you and you both gasped.

"Hirano?" Sasaki asked.

"Yeah, yeah. What do you want. And why are you with princess?"

"Her name is (y/n) and I would like a grande white chocolate latte please."

"And I'd like tall Carmel ribbon crunch please." You said after counting your money. It's all you had enough for. He saw you and pushed your hand down when you tried to give it to Hirano.

"Actually she'd like a grande." Sasaki told Hirano who rolled his eyes.

"But I don't have enough." You whispered up to Sasaki.

"Well I do, okey?" He said with a goofy smile.

"Okey." You agreed. "Thank you Sasaki."

"Anytime." He caressed your jaw and Hirano looked disgusted at the both of you.

"Please don't tell me you two are dating or something."

"No." You said at the exact time as Sasaki said, "Yes."

You looked up at him confused. He was just messing with you again.

Hirano gasped at our disagreement on if we were dating and walked away quickly to make sure not to laugh.

"Please wait at the tables!" He yelled from the back of the kitchen.

Sasaki pulled out a chair for you and you sat in it gladly. When he sat down you glared directly into his eyes. He looked back confused.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes?" You repeated his answer.

"Are we not?" You thought for a second.

"You act like it towards me, but we never made that clear yet. You never asked me. I guess it would be easy to interpret wrong from an outside viewer, but still."

"Oh." He blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, (y/n)."

You tried to stay mad but it was impossible when he was so adorable.

"Stawwwp." You complained.

"Stop what?"

"Being impossibly easy to forgive. It's so hard to stay mad!"

"You are trying to stay mad? Why would you want to feel that way?" He asked while running his hand through his carrot orange hair.

"I don't know." You said truthfully.

"Grande White Chocolate Latte and Grande Caramel Ribbon Crunch!" Hirano yelled from the counter and paused. "For the two love birds in the back..." he whispered under his breath.

"Hirano!" You yelled.

"Sorry Princess." He apologized and walked away. You got out of your creaking green Starbucks chair and walked to the counter. You picked up your drink and handed Sasaki his.

"Thank you Sasaki." You said.

"Uh huh. It's no big deal, really." He tried convincing you, but it still made a lot to you. It was such a small act, but it made your heart beat uneven.

"Ok." You slerped your drink loudly as he did the same.

"Should we start walking to school?"

"Ugh, yes." You groaned. You both headed out the door.

"Thank you Hirano!" Sasaki yelled.

"Shut up or I'll beat your ass!" Hirano yelled in the same exact tone. You giggled.

You walked right by Sasaki's side and rested your head on his broad shoulder. He smiled and kissed your hair.

You closed your eyes and whispered, "Your really cute."

He looked down at you with widened eyes and held your jaw. He ran his fingers through your hair and smiled. He leaned down and his lips were so close to yours. No more than an inch. But he paused. He didn't get any closer, just lingered there.

You could feel his cool breath tickle your lips and nose, but he didn't touch you. He curled his lip in frustration as he wrinkled his nose.

"What's wrong?" You whispered in a shaky tone.

"Nothing." He said back as he held his head up to its normal height. "Please.. just slap me." He closed his eyes as he begged you.

"No. Why would I do that?"

"Because. I bought you Starbucks. It's the least you could do."

"What the hell Sasaki? Why would you want me to hurt you? I don't want to hurt you."

"Fine." He said sadly. You wonder why he was sad. It also frustrates you he didn't even kiss you. He seemed like he was fighting something but you weren't sure what. He was sooo close but pulled away. He should have just finished it and then sulked about whatever the fuck he was sulking about. What a dumbass.

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