45. Alone again

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Jentzen's POV

This morning, I'd snuck out while Lev was asleep to go to the store near his house. I couldn't take his mom's car without asking so I opted for walking as the next best mode of transport.

Yesterday, I feel as if I overreacted and got more emotional than I had license to be. Even though I hadn't said anything to Lev, I wondered if I'd created some tension between us. It seemed Lev was none the wiser and not feeling the same weird drift between us, but I knew I'd feel better if I found a way to ease the weirdness and do something nice to bring back the usual flow of our relationship.

And so, I decided a great way to do that was to buy ingredients and make him breakfast. I was notoriously known for being a horrible chef on all fronts so it was usually Lev who was left to make breakfast for us each morning and I just thought it would be cool to do something nice for him. I'd been watching some cooking tutorials on YouTube lately to try and better my cooking skills and was really excited to finally make a meal for him.

Once I'd bought everything I needed, I stopped off at a coffee shop and grabbed two cups to take home. It was a bit of a struggle balancing the two coffees as well as the heavy bag full of shopping but I managed to get back all in one piece.

When I arrived home, it was dead silent and there was still no sign of Lev walking about. Hmm, that's weird. Normally he would be up by now but he must still be asleep.

Nonetheless, I got to work in the kitchen. I tried to be as quiet as possible as to not wake him as I went along and finally I had finished. It took me a while, but I'd got there in the end.

I was so excited to have Lev try what I made considering how much time and effort I put into cooking breakfast for him, so I opened the door to his room and poked my head around, intending to wake him up.

However, I noticed the bed was empty. There was no one in the room. I frowned in confusion, wondering where he was. I was sure I hadn't seen him anywhere else in the house. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

Minutes passed with no response from him, yet still I sat and waited. I checked my phone again, and still nothing. More waiting and waiting. I looked around the entire house for him, which only confirmed that he definitely wasn't at home. Half an hour later, I received a text back. He was at Cam's house.

Something in my heart felt heavy. I don't know what had caused it, whether it was the fact he'd just left without even thinking to text me or if it was because all the effort I had just put in to do something nice for him had gone to waste.

I read over his texts, scrunching my face up in confusion. What made him think I'd be "out today"???

I walked into his room and found the letter I'd left for him and read over the words. "Be back soon", it read. What does "be back soon" mean to him?! It means I'll be back soon!

Well, according to him, if yesterday is any evidence, to him "be back soon" means to tell someone you'll be right back and then leave them for hours without letting them know anything.

I sighed, sending him a text back and lying that I was in fact out today as he assumed and not sitting at home and waiting around for him, being all pathetic.

I walked in to the kitchen and sat down next to the two plates of food I had prepared. I took a sip of one of the coffees, which was now cold. Everything was cold. I sighed, picking up a fork.

I ate all alone, by myself.

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