32. In L.A.

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Lev's POV

I sat on the couch of Piper's living room, my head hung low. It had already been two days since Jentzen had left for Texas. Even though it had been merely days, I missed him more than I ever thought I could.

I remembered Liana showing up at our door, ready to drag Jentzen away. Well, at least he was only gone for a week and a half. Only gone for a week and a half? Ever since the first day we met all those years ago, I don't think I've ever been apart from Jentzen for so long.

I wonder what he was doing? Who was he with? Was he happy? I could text him at any point I wanted to, but I didn't want to distract him from the reason he was there. Him and Liana had been brought there to see their father, who they hadn't seen for a while.

Meanwhile Liana and Jentzen lives in Los Angeles, their father lived in Texas and refused to move away due to his work. They didn't see each other often, every few months perhaps, but he was the closest thing to a parental figure they had.

Jentzen's dad hadn't always been the greatest parental figure, but he loved him regardless. Maybe it was wrong to love someone who would barely even make time to see you, but he had no one else to direct that love to ever since his mother was removed from his life.

I still remember Jentzen's mother - I remember how much she loved Jentzen. He loved her too. He loved her a lot. I'm certain he still thinks about her... always thinks about her. And I know that his mother spends every single day fighting to see her son again.

A small sound behind me alerted my attention. I turned my head around to peer over the couch into the kitchen where I saw Piper and Emily enter. They didn't notice me, too absorbed with one another. I noticed they were both quietly giggling about something, whispering amongst themselves.

Emily's eyes were looking Piper up and down, a grin on her face which only caused Piper to smile and laugh even more. It was almost as if the two were sharing a secret that no one else in the world but then knew, or rather that the world was theirs and they were the only two people that existed in it.

Clearly the second was more likely as they still hadn't even noticed me sitting over in the living room, watching their encounters. It was nice to see them growing closer. I wonder if Emily has told her anything yet...

By the blush on Piper's face, you'd think she'd been the one pining over Emily for all this time rather than the other way round. She had that look in her eyes, the look you only get when you're talking to someone you've secretly had a crush on for ages.

Emily's hand slowly grazed over Pipers neck as she reached out to look at her necklace, wearing one exactly like it around her own neck. I remember those necklaces. That was the pemily necklace Piper had bought for her and Emily in that last to stop touching video we filmed ages ago. I'd bought me and Jentzen matching rings.

I smiled, looking down to my hand. I was wearing mine. In fact, I hardly ever took it off. I hoped he was wearing his too.

I'll be starting an emilliana (Elliana c Emily) book soon so make sure to check it out!

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