Old friends/old wounds

Start from the beginning

"Beautiful aren't they"

"Yes they're lovely but please back to me. Otterton, he's missing and we just want to know if you have any idea what might've happened to him"

"Otterton, he's a nice otter, a family man"

"Do you know what happened to him"

Judy was starting to lose her patience as dr. Terce didn't quite made it easy for them.

"It's a shame for what happen to him, he did always bring me such lovely plants"

Then she snapped, "LOOK we don't have time for this, a otter's life is at stake and if you don't help us, you sentence will be extended if we might out you know what happened to him, SO START TALKING"

But instead of talking, dr. Terce walks up to the glass towards Judy, bending down and smiling in the most sinister way.

"I'll never talk and you won't get it out of me"

Then he goes back to tending his garden, "the only way to find a kidnapped otter is to think like a kidnapper or in others words, another bad guy"

This then gives Nick an idea, but he wasn't going to like it.

Jack locks the door and they walked outside the asylum, unaware of what to do next.

"Great now what do we do"

"I know someone who can help us"

He drives them to savannah central, and as he drives, Judy noticed how stressed out Nick looked.

"Hey are you okay"

He realized he left his guard down again so he fakes a smile.

"Huh, oh yes I'm fine"

"Are you sure Nick, you been acting off recently"

"Well you know it's this case" he lied.

"Hey I know things are getting rough but we can get through this.

He looks at her and his nerves went away, they then arrived outside of savannah central, far from the city, a massive cliffside mansion integrated underneath a waterfall.

"Where are we" Judy asked.

"If we're going to find those missing mammals, we need to think someone who used to be criminals, and I know someone who could help"

As they approached the mansion, nick's heart was racing really fast, he knows who lives in this mansion but was afraid to confront it.

Stepping on the door steps, his hand was shaking as it slowly reaches over to knock.

Then when he knocks on the door, out came a French maid gazelle.

"Bonjour, puis-je vous aider?" She asked.

"Yes is the wolf of the house in, I need to speak to him"

The gazelle let's them inside and once they entered inside the mansion they were amazed by the interior design.

"Wow" Judy was impressed as she looks around amazed by the mansion.

"Whoever owns this place but be very rich and popular and known for"

"Hello" wolf tries to call out for someone but gets nothing but a echo.

The gazelle follows them as they enter the living room.

"Connaissez-vous les directeurs?" She asked.

"We used to be friends" they then go back to the entrance, looking at the door then at the stairs, Nick decided to call one last time.


The. Suddenly they heard the door slap, they turned to see a shark staring at them.

 Suddenly they heard the door slap, they turned to see a shark staring at them

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"Ah" Nick got startled then he smiles nervously.


"Hello Nick" he didn't sound happy to see him.

He approached them as Nick blocks Judy from him.

"Hey long time no seen"

"Well well well, if it isn't Nicholas...Piberius...Wilde"

Nick winced in fear as he was familiar by that tone.

He turns around slowly to the living to see a chair rolling, revealing....wolf glaring at him.

wolf glaring at him

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"Long time no see...old chum" he didn't sound pleased.

Nick felt his heart pounding fast and heavy when wolf sends him a deadly glare

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Nick felt his heart pounding fast and heavy when wolf sends him a deadly glare.

He knew....

He was dead.

The night howler case- a zootopia and the bad guys crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now