Chapter 9

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"I'm back! I'm back to reality." It's Monday morning and no more training days for the whole week. Her handsome trainer seemed so busy throughout the week and it's up to her if she's gonna perform tasks and routines she usually does with his watch.

"It's Monday,yet you look drained?"Olivia commented. "Haven't you slept well?"

While slouching on her chair, Alundra's mind wasn't listening to Olivia's unstoppable murmurs. Her mind was busy thinking about how she could dig for the truth behind it all.

"I wish I could recall my memories!" It's still upsetting her, the reality of being uncertain, above everything she learned from school, from job or from these recent  days' training engagement. "I want to know myself, If I had a family and friends. Without knowing, a single tear rolled down silently on her cheeks.

"Hey!" Olivia wiped her tears and caressed her back, "Don't worry, when the right time comes, you'll get all the answers...the truth, you deserve to know everything."

She faced Olivia, smiled and sighed."Yeah, thanks bestie" and hugged Olivia's waist for a while.

I wanna tell you something weird, she looked up."What is it then?" Olivia exclaimed, and sit beside her.
"I'm learning some self-defense techniques."

Olivia was startled. "Really? she laughed in amusement,"how and when and why?" her series of  questions. "Would you believe if I would say it's because of the killing incident at the parking lot? She asked.
"Wow!" I also have witnessed the same incident but no one suggested for me to take self defense course either. Olivia mumbled.

Alundra grinned and started telling her  how it all started, of course she didn't mention who's her trainer, Olivia might get jealous though.

"Nuevo Valley  Medical Hospital"
she heaved a sigh as she reached the entrance of the Out-Patient Department where she will meet again  one of the important persons that could probably help connect herself to her past, at least.

"Martina Alonzo-Valdez, MD."engraved at the top of a closed office door. Alundra stood for a minute realizing in the depth of her soul for whatever lies behind that door she wished to know, she deserved to know every why's, every ifs. Her heart got heavy, her breathe got hard, her eyes got watered as reminder of uncertain search for  reality.

"Hello, Ms. Howell" she was stopped from thinking when a voice called her from behind.
"Good morning." Her casual greetings to the approaching nurse. She smiled to a familiar lady in plain white scrub suit, close-fitting hose and shoes.

"I'm Erica, Dr.Martina's secretary. I'm also a nurse." She lifted her hand and offered a shake, Alundra smiled and took her hand.
"Let's go to Dr.Martina's office,  she's still having her  rounds but she'll surely be here in 10-15 minutes. Please take a seat and have some short reading with our health magazines at the side table while waiting for her, I'll just go and get some medical stuff at the pharmacy." The nurse left.

While alone, Alundra roamed her sight to the innovative medical office from the well-moulded ceiling, apparently a skillful moulder was hired to carve curves and designs, the elegantly looking chandelier with simple but fascinating lights embracing elegance of the interior designs that captivated patients eyes and soothes their souls, the architect must've learned mesmerizing moods of people coming in and out this office.

"If tomorrow never comes" while waiting for Dr. Martina, she took out her phone and continued typing chapters for her novel, it was about a heroine's struggle against leukemia that made her pursue series of medications while hiding her condition to her family, while on process, she happened to meet Brent her attending nurse whom she found affection no one had ever made her feel. They both developed the mutual feeling while on the verge of fighting for her life. It was fascinating that the heroine found strong anchorage that she could lean on  in fighting from pain.

Brent's love beyond measure when he sacrificed himself for a  bone marrow transplant hoping to help her live longer.

"So heartbreaking!"she heaved a sigh and closed her eyes to shut it's soon-to-begin tears."Breathe Alundra,breathe!".

"I'm sorry it took awhile, I've met someone outside and we had something to deal with which is somewhat equally important. But anyway, how's your day going Ms. Howell?" Alundra quickly opened her eyes and clasped her hands like she's getting nervous of  the Doctor's presence ironically was the one she was aiming to talk to. All she could think was the negative comments the doctor would tell her, she couldn't focus on what she planned to ask.

"Good morning doctor Martina, I'm actually fine!" She was barely aware that the doctor may have nothing to tell her but in an instant, it's her desire to investigate pushed her to seek each inch of information she can get from anyone. "I really felt this strange feeling of hollowness."she stated. "May I ask you something,.Dr. Martina?" she politely asked the doctor. Alundra chocked back a sob to control her emotion, straightened her back and set herself comfortable posture,she managed to smile.
"Do you know  anything about me, or my past"? she knew the doctor might know nothing but, at least she would keep trying.
"Alundra, you're far more beautiful now than that day you were  brought her with Raf". The doctor's eyes twinkled but happened to choke back realizing that she spilled a bit.

"What do you mean I'm with Raf Doctor Martina? her eyes sharply stared at the doctor while forehead creased,demanding for answers that could at least fill her empty mind.

Erica, the nurse carried an elegant copper-coloured tea pot and cups. She poured one and gave to Dr.Martina, while another for Alundra.

"You can drink it, It could help you feel better" Erica left after she smiled and nodded politely to the them.

"I'd been looking forward that you could find answers to your confusions."

Her eyes' expresses sympathy like she wanted to tell her everything but seemed taking it back, she somewhat hesitant, somewhat afraid.

Alundra could see something in her eyes, somewhat longing, somewhat pained. "Should I be cautious? Should I dig more for the truth? "

The doctor's seemed warning me  unto something so unclear, like something's holding her back, but than these she can see happiness behind her tears.

"Why is she crying without uttering anything, just merely looking at my eyes. Oh, we have the same eye color!"

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