Chapter 8

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Leggings, sports bra and sleeveless shirt on top. Alundra was good to -go as scheduled, It's Friday morning and expectedly her first day of training . She aimed  skilling herself on self-defense. The series of threatening occurrences bothered her to the extent of deciding this suicide-like activity.

"It's suicidal that everyday,  I shall be with him who's been so cold,dominant but looked so hot with brown messy hair, tanned skin, crystal blue eyes, lovely kissable lips, added with his small stubbles of growing beared on his jaw and neck which made him a lot hotter."

" If only he knew how gorgeously hot he looks. If only he would stare my eyes and see what's the wildest imaginations lies on my head, If only he would seize  being cold and snob!"
She hissed.

You're late, he said when she was about to get herself out from her car . Aren't you suppose to be here at exactly 6:00 am? Raf's stoic face met her at the sea shore which annoyed her. I would  be on time if it's an in-house training. What would you expect from me then? Arriving at this far at least 10 minutes before 6:00 while I have to drive 2 hours from my house?

"This isn't a good training venue Mr. Fernandez, she complained  diverting her tardiness to the annoying venue.
"I should have worn my two piece and shades!"she added.

Raf stood beside her while facing the calm soft waves in the morning, watching the horizon where the sun slowly showed up its wonderfully bright rays as it rises touching with  moderate passionate heat to their skins.

He sighed and looked at her intently. For the first time Alundra saw Raf's emotion on his face, he's looks so calm and gentle ,his crystal blue eyes are telling her something she could not define. He's been so cold and emotionless from the day she met him, even those days that Zandra told her it was Raf who found her at the forest.

"How are you?" his soft voice brought  a little silly feeling of nervousness to her senses.

"Oh my God, why is he this cute,oh no erase..erase, cute is understatement,it's hot!" her giggling whisper to herself while looking away and pretending to watch the other end of the shore.

"I'm good"she smiled and glanced Raf . "I mean, how's your life going?"he further asked.

"I'm alright, though I'm still having doubts on my real self, but somehow still having this kind of feeling that despite everything,I'm still lucky enough that tita Zandra welcomed me ,not as a stranger but a family" her hair swayed  in every gentle blow of the wind, it's cold breeze comforted her heart.

Unusual heart-to-heart conversation with him soothed her heart like he's been a friend she have known for so long, she could not even recall those times  she last talked about herself, it was always been the studies, the job, the friends that she had that filled out her daily stories, and not this crucially sensitive matter, it's her-her real life.

"I wish I could go back to that moment when I could recognize myself. I want to be real, I wish I could be."She touched her necklace, it's had always been her mannerism to touch it everything she felt dubiously melancholic. Its  pendant tells her she's Alundra, such very beautiful necklace with blue crystals engraved in each letter; she looked down her wet toes, while waves kept transversing longitudinal motion like those of the soft sound of the breeze.

Her heart was comfortable with Raf,she felt calmness and peace with him, such feeling she secretly treasured everytime he's around, along with that familiar lovely scent of pine forest breeze, she knew he could understand her sentiments and fears considering his presence during those days she was awfully uncertain of herself and things around her.

"Do you have any idea of my real identity? I mean, Did you know me even before I got involved in that traumatizing night?" Her lips rose-up and smiled bitterly.Silly me. "How would you know?I mean we've just known each other after I was saved by tita Zands team right?" she asked him naughtily. She hid that Zandra told her already that Raf himself was the one who found her in that vast grassland amidst dark forest.
Raf was caught off-guard to her questions.  He was surprised. He looked away and watched the horizon instead of answering her.

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