Chapter 1: Leaving home world

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In the far reaches of the galaxy lies a planet named Gaia, a beautiful world with lush forests and stunning oceans. The inhabitants of this planet are advanced in technology, and the fauna vary in size, some of them gigantic. Yet, these beings have managed to tame these colossal beasts. Amidst the sounds of the wild, a child is seen giggling and hiding behind a tree.

???: Hehe

As a huge cat-like creature searches for the child...

???: Purr

The child's giggles intensify as they sneak into a bush.

???: Hehe

???: Gaw

The cat suddenly pounces at the bush, catching the child, ???, by their collar.

???: Izuku! Where are you!? *Searching frantically*

???: Ahahaha, bah bah!

???: IZUKU!

When the child's father finds them, he spots Izuku in front of a giant beast.

Izuku: You got me again, Bah-

???: LET MY SON GO!! *Points a blaster at the beast*

Izuku: Huh, Dad, wait, he's not-

??? Then, he fires the blaster at the creature, blasting off its ear.

Bah: RAAGH *Turns and flees*

Izuku: BAH, WAIT *Picks up the ear*

???: *Picks up Izuku* Izuku, let's go. We have to hurry.

Izuku: But Bah's ear...

???: We have to go now. *Leads them to their home*

Izuku: But why?

???: Just listen to me, okay? It's for your safety.

Izuku: Ok.

While returning home, Izuku notices many people panicking.

Izuku: Why are all these people screaming so much?

???: *Sighs* The planet is dying, Izuku. *Reaches their home* Honey, is the pod ready?

Mother: Yes, it is.

Izuku: But planets don't die. Silly, they don't eat or sleep.

Father: Izuku, get in the pod, okay? *Places Izuku inside the pod*

Izuku: Ok. *Gets in* Look, Papa, Mama, I'm a space pilot like you guys.

Father: *Smiles sadly* Yeah, just like us.

Mother: *Smiles, kisses Izuku's forehead* We'll be right behind you, okay?

As the ground shakes, Izuku questions the upcoming space trip.

Izuku: Wait, are we finally going on a space trip? Am I old enough to go now? And why is the ground shaking?

Father: Yes, we're going on a space trip. Okay, don't worry. We'll be right behind you. Your pod is too small, so we can't all fit. There's food and water in there, okay? You'll be fine.

Izuku: Haai, I can't wait to see what you guys see.

Izuku's mother's wavering smile reveals tears in her eyes as the pod closes and launches into the sky.

Izuku: This is gonna be so much fun! And when I get back, I can apologize to Bah and give him his ear back.

Pod: Reaching hyperspace location sector 5, planet green 6.

Izuku: Ooo, it speaks so fancy.

Pod: Putting young master into hypersleep.

Izuku: Hypersleep? What's that? And why am I... so tired... Zzz zzzz

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