four | I don't like beer either

Start from the beginning

For hair, well we kind of ran out of time so she just fluffed it up, added some texture spray and called it 'sex hair'. Don't believe I have ever tried to achieve 'sex hair', usually it just happens, especially when your in the back of a car and laying down on the seats.

Barbie did say I might want a coat to wear while we waited out back for the rest to arrive so she lent me a cropped cheetah print fur coat. She did allow me to wear my Mary Janes, only with the excuse that it gave off the sexy church girl look but I just rolled my eyes and slid my black thigh length stockings on.

Those were the events that now led me up to my current situation, trying to get away from an annoying guy at the bar.

This man has tried all the pick up lines, even offered to pay for my drinks, well put it on his tab he said. And each time, I politely said no. And take a guess at whether he gave up yet or not...

"Listen, I have a boyfriend. He's gonna be here soon with my brother so you might want to make yourself scarce. My boyfriend's a chill guy but when he gets pissed, he gets pissed." I had turned slightly over so I was looking at this creep from over my shoulder. My literal body language saying 'fuck off'.

"Well sweetheart, I don't see him or your brother. What's the harm in a single drink?" The man had moved closer, no help from the club goers who were bumping into everyone making it easier for him to get near me.

"Fine." I say under my breath, giving up. Just one drink and I'll walk away. This guy did say just one singular drink so...

"What was that sweetheart? You might need to speak up or can I come closer so I can hear you?" Not even waiting for my answer, the guy moves closer, tilting his head down so his is inline with my own.

What? Is he the big bad wolf that needs me closer so he can hear me better my precious. I think the fuck not. I've read that story and that axe is going straight for his groin if he doesn't back off soon enough.

"I said fine, a gin tonic will do."

The man gives me a creeping grin and nods his head to the bartender, getting his attention and ordering my drink and a beer for himself.

Once the bartender sets the drinks down, I stand up and grab the glass in my hand ready to walk off. "No thank you sweetheart? Ouch, too cruel, too cruel. At least take a sip while you're here, so I know you like the drink."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Finn and Louis clamping through a group of people, heading my way to the bar. Oh thank god.

"I'm so sorry, where's my manners?" Taking a fake sip from the drink, I instead pull the glass away from my lips and tip the drink down the man's shirt and pants. "Mmm not to my standard, sorry." My lips quirk up at his shocked face.

Before he can even spew up some sort of hateful and misogynistic words, I start to walk away. A small sway in my hips leads me over to my dashingly handsome boyfriend and my idiot brother.

"Well Josie, I will say, there is never a dull moment with you." Finn brings me in for a hug but catches me off guard as he seals our lips together. His tongue slightly presses and glides against my lower lip, he even adds in a small ass grab but before anything steaming can happen, a cough sounds out from beside us.

"Yeah listen, watching you guys kiss really is oh so fun to watch but you know what else is fun to watch? Human torture which, funnily enough, is kind of like this." Lou always has to chime in his two cents, he just can't help himself.

"Lou, I don't know if you've tried this but maybe just look away and stop benign such a cock block all the time bro, you're meant to be my friend." Finn's grip on my ass loosens, not without a small squeeze to the cheeks and then he's moving to my side, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

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