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word count: 4491
[part 2] ep. 19 - ep. 36

"So we're just racing as quickly as we can, right?" You heard one of the team smart guys say.

"Yeah, we'll block them so you just pedal as hard as you can," You snickered. There was no way in hell you were losing.

"All ready!!!" Yelled the announcement guy in his speaker.


The horn announcing the start of the race was heard and every rider took off.

You lagged behind giving the team smart guys a head start. You weren't the only one who'd thought of that, both Vinny and Jay were riding alongside you.

"You know. You're kind of a freak too," Vinny shouted at Jay. "You actually enjoy sneaking up from behind, don't you?"

"What's the plan?" Jay said completely ignoring what he'd just said.

"Plan?" You asked. "Fuck plans, all I'm going to do is beat you to the finish line,"

And with that you took off with Vinny following close behind you. You'd raced with him before, you knew what he was good at, you knew what he was better at than you and what you were better at than him. What you wanted to see is if you could beat Jay.

One of the team smart guys started racing ahead and the two others went after you and Vinny.

One of them was trying to force Vinny on the right side where some pipes were. The other was trying to sandwich you between him and the wall. You let Vinny handle the pipes himself and focused on the wall that was getting dangerously close to you. You had to get to the right side of this guy before he successfully pancaked you.

There was a pile of wood a bit ahead of you. It definitely wasn't supposed to be used as a ramp to scale the wall and get past your opponent but that was exactly what you were going to do anyway. You waited for the right moment and went for it, the wooden planks immediately went flying but not before you managed to get on the wall and past the team smart guy. Judging by the noise behind you the wood had probably made him crash. Oh well.

You caught up to Vinny at the same time Jay did. All that was standing between you and the finish line was one guy in a blue suit. You had practically won the race already.

Vinny didn't really care about the race itself, like you, he was more curious about the super nerd. He wasn't racing against team smart, that was too easy. He was racing against Jay. You took the opportunity to get ahead of both of them when they started blocking each other.

The team smart guy wasn't too far ahead now. Vinny and Jay caught up to you again and all three of you passed him together. They were both still too focused on fighting against each other to notice the pipes in the way. You went right past it and ahead of them.

There was a deep slope ahead with a sharp turn at the bottom, you were almost entirely sure Jay was going to pull off the same trick he'd pulled during the preliminaries. It was probably a way faster way of getting past a corner than what you did but you hadn't managed to master drifting yet. Instead, you put your foot on your back wheel to slow you down and prayed to god you wouldn't go face first into a wall. Vinny was the one who'd inspired you to do the back wheel shoe break back when you rode together, you wondered if he still did that.

As soon as you'd made it past the corner Jay caught up to you but he stopped on the side of the road soon after. You stopped as well and so did Vinny who'd just made it out of the slope.

"Hey! What is it?" He yelled at him.

"My front tire burst,"

"Lame," You muttered before getting back on your bike. You really hoped you'd get to beat Jay fair and square.

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