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word count: 5663
[part 1] ep. 65 - [part 2] ep. 3

Once Vinny had officially joined the crew, Minu told everyone to meet at the park for a 'super important meeting'. You had to start training for the tournament, the first race was just around the corner. He'd also said there was a surprise for all of you but you weren't expecting much.

The 'super important meeting' wasn't actually that important. One of the girls made sweaters, other than that it was just normal practice. Her name might be Mira... or Mila, she looks like a Mila. This whole thing is starting horribly. You know two names top, three with Vinny and will you ask them for their names? No. Absolutely not.

It's not that you don't want to make friends it's just, hard? Heri is your friend and Vinny was your friend once. Minu and June had talked to you before, when you were in the zephyrus crew, maybe they'd even considered you a friend. But the whole friend thing didn't come naturally. You didn't make friends, friends made you. They all seem to get along great already, well maybe not all of them. The guy with the glasses doesn't talk much. You're more like glasses guy.

With Vinny here though the weird guys who don't talk no longer seem like a minority. Practice was just Moustache talking with Minu and Blondie flirting with a brick wall. What a nice little group.

You were looking around the whole time. Lagging behind a little bit but you weren't the only one back there. Glasses wasn't doing much either and Blondie was determined to stay with him. Vinny was way up at the front, away from you.

Once you'd managed to block out Blondie's one sided flirting the ride wasn't so bad. The wind felt nice against your face and the weather wasn't too bad either. It was almost peaceful. Almost because Moustache and Minu and Blondie and Vinny's precence made sure peace wasn't an option.

You really need to learn their names..

You hadn't really been paying attention to where you were going, just following the others. Eventually you looped back and ended up right back where you started.

"Nice practice guys," Minu said after you'd all gotten off your bikes. "make sure you're ready for the first race Tuesday," Aye aye captain.

"Oh and Vinny you need to come to school with us on Monday," Great.

"What why?"

"You need permission from our principal to join the competition," You didn't really understand what the principal had to do with the tournament either but you didn't care enough to stick around and find out. Glasses guy had already started walking off anyway.

Your mom wouldn't be back yet, she usually came home a little bit after you did. You could attempt making some ramen for dinner but you didn't have enough trust in your cooking skills. So instead you sat on the couch and waited for her.

Your phone keeps buzzing. Probably the hummingbird groupchat Minu made which you forgot to mute. You'd do it right now but the fear of them trying to talk to you ruled over the buzzing's annoyance.

Thankfully you didn't have to worry about the buzzing for too long, your mom had arrived at last. You could hear her unlocking the door down the hall.

"y/n? Are you home?"

"I'm here," She made her way down the hallway and put her bag down on the kitchen island. The apartment was rather small but still nice. Two bedrooms and a kitchen/living room space. Oh and a bathroom, can't forget the bathroom.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket. Damn groupchat. What could they possibly be talking about that is so fucking interesting?

"Is that your phone?"

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