Chapter Nine: Who I Am

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Xander's POV
I look at her in the eye but she seems to be seeing right through me. Bringing both my hands to her face to cup her cheek, I do something I'm possibly going to regret- I kiss her. Moving my lips on her soft plump ones, I feel her kiss me back after sometime and I smile with my lips still on hers. Pulling back when my lungs were burning with the lack of oxygen, I open my eyes not really knowing when I closed them to see my mate looking down with her cheeks tinted a light pink 'Goddess she's so cute' Ash growls in my head. Turning to face the door that leads to the kitchen my eyes widen as I just realized something 'Oh shit'
Diana's POV
As if stuck in a trance I couldn't bring myself back to the present and until I felt something warm and wet touch my lips, feeling the sparks my eyes widen as I realize what was going on 'Our first kiss' Ava squeals in my head but I push her aside  and kiss him back. The kiss is slow and passionate telling me how happy he was to finally find his other half, I feel him smile against my lips. I almost let out a whimper when he pulls away but realize that he probably needed to breath. Being a gifted with nature and a natural element of air I can hold my breath for more than an hour but I don't really know how long because it doesn't really matter. 'Did you just kiss prince charming?' Ava asks in excitedly and I look down feeling annoyingly shy, I mean I knew if I found my mate we are going to do intimate stuff so why am I feeling shy now for just a kiss. I hear Xander's heart start to beat fast, looking up what the one brow raised I see him staring towards a door with his eyes widened. "Xander, what is it?" He looks at me and I see it he's worried but about what, he opens his mouth but closes it again as if struggling with how to put his thought into words "Do you know who I am? He finally asks. I tilt my head to the side not understanding the question "You're an Alpha?" I say as more of a question that an answer because I wasn't sure anymore, he moves his right hand down his face in frustration before he starts talking "Yes but no, you see my father is the Alpha king and I have three other brothers. We were all given a part of the kingdom to take care of to see who was most accountable for the position of King" I nod my head urging him to continue when I see he still has more to say "My Elder brothers do not like the idea of me competing with them for the position and now they have become blinded by wanting power that they no longer value family ties" He looks at my eyes with worry and I hear it dripping in his voice "If they found out about you they could hurt you" I feel my eyes widen my supposed brother-in-laws we're going to hurt me for power. Gaining back my composure, I give Xander a reassuring smile and tell him confidently "Don't worry they won't be able to hurt me. I'll help you get the throne" but what he says next leaves me awestruck "I don't want to fight for power, I'm not going to play their dirty game but if they hurt the people in this pack or you then we are going to have a problem" he growled at the last part. 'Yep, we are definitely going to make sure he becomes king' Ava says with determination in her voice.

Unknown POV
"Why are they not making any progress?" A man wearing a black robe with gold streaks and a crown placed on his head says as he slumps down on his throne, a woman dressed in a gold ball gown having black streaks with a crown on her head places her palm on the hand of the man. "Calm down darling, let him finish" looking back at another man dressed like a servant and giving him a curt nod. Seeing his queen signalling for him to continue talking "Your Highness the only improvement we have seen so far is on the territory you gave Prince Xander, his territory has been experiencing much difficulty since he is the youngest of your children but he has been doing quit well despite all that and his progress by far surpasses that of his brothers" Looking back at the King who pinches the space between his brows in frustration he bows waiting for orders "Well done Maximus, send a message to my sons. The royal ball is coming up and I want them all to be in attendance. You may take your leave"
"Long live the king" turning around Maximus exits the throne room to do the task given to his by the king. On his way out of the castle he hears hushed whispers coming from the servants around Prince Xander is coming back and they all sounded excited for reasons even Maximus was aware of

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