Chapter 1

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"How long is this freaking line." Says Randy. "Shut ya bloody mouth, or we won't ever move." Says Andy. Me and my big brother Andy have been waiting in this autograph line for hours!!! "How freaking long does it take to sigh an autograph!" Says Randy. "Shut ya mouth, and stop saying 'freaking' it sounds inappropriate." Says Andy.

Once again my big brother was being sick minded as usual. "Hey Andy hold my spot." "Where are you going? Let me guess to jerk off." Says Andy laughing. "No asshole! I have to pee! So hold my stop please." Says Randy. "Beg." Says Andy. "What I'm not begging you, you son of a bitch!" "Then I'm not saving your spot, your son of a whore!" Says Andy.

"Uhhhhh....fine can you pretty please with a cherry on top save my spot." Says Randy. "No." "No?" Says Randy. "Just kidding." "Better be!...haha." "Shut the fuck up and go to the bathroom!" Says Andy.

That's when everyone even 1D was starring at us! I slapped Andy in the back of the head for cursing at me, and I hit him in the leg for embarrassing me in public.

I then raced to the men's room and went to the first urinal, I won't give you the details. When I was done and I had washed my hands, I was about to leave when someone entered the men's room.

The guy was kinda tall, light skin, and had hair like Harry Styles. Omg it is freaking Harry Styles! " this the only men's room in the mall?" Harry said. "Uhhhh." I say. I was speechless I couldn't talk, I felt like I was gonna faint. "Are you ok?"

Harry says slapping me out of my trance. "Um....ya I'm fine." I then walked out the bathroom, by the time I got to the line Harry was out of the bathroom. He walked up to me and said. "Why'd you run out?" Says Harry.

He touched my shoulder and I fainted. He caught me and said to my brother. "Is he always like this?" He says chuckling. "No....not really,but while your at it......take him away! Far far away!" Says my brother laughing. "Shut up Andy! Your embarrassing me as usual so stop!" I then realized I was still in the grasp of Harry.

He was holding me very close, I could smell his colon. It smelled like the ocean breeze. He then stares me in the eyes. His eyes were grey/blue. And then he smiled at me. His smile was charming, but satisfying. By satisfying I mean it made you happy. And his lips were very shiny and they looked very smooth.

"Dude you ok?" Says Harry. "Oh I'm sorry...I gotta go!" I got out of Harry's grasp and I ran out the mall. I was in the parking lot. I didn't notice until now that Harry was following me. I was gonna start running but then he caught me. "Wait! Will ya stop running?" "What do you want, your a famous star what do you want from me?" "I just want to know why your running." "I just got emotional." "About what?" "You.....were holding me, and you just." I automatically stopped. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." I started to run again. He caught up with me and grabbed me. "Let me go you Sysco." "No. What's wrong with you?!" "Let me go!" I say. "Stop moving and talk to me." Says Harry. I then stop moving and he lets me go. I kick him in the shin and I start to run again. "Ahhh! Why won't you talk to me!? I then turn around still running to see what he's talking about. As soon as I turn my head to see where I was going I run into a pole. "Aghhhh! My fucking face!" Harry then catches up to me. And he helps me up. While I'm still covering face, he removes my hand to see the damage. My face was red and sour. My nose was bleeding and it was dripping down my face. "You ok?" Harry says holding my chin. "No! I think I broke my nose!" "Let me see." Harry looks at my nose. "No it's not broken, you just made you nose bleed when you ran into the pole." "But it hurts! Really bad!" Harry then says. "I'll take you to my Rv. He then picks my up bridal style and carries me to his Rv. I told him I could walk, but he ignored me. When we got to his Rv it had his name in big blue and red letters and his face was all over the Rv or should I say his trailer. He then put me down and got out his keys for the Rv. He opened the door and walked in. I stood where I was until he came back. "Do you want you nose fixed?" "Oh of course." He grabs my hand and pulls me on the Rv. To my surprise it was huge! "Wow, this is big." "I know right." "Don't get cocky!" I say smiling." "Stay here i'll be right back, and have a seat. I looked around and found a love seat in front of me. It had his face all over it. Harry then came back with water, towels, aspirin, and something else I couldn't tell what it was. He sat down next to me, and took off his blazer. "Whoa! What are you doing?" "Making sure my brazer doesn't get stained." He says smiling. He then leaned over me and started to clean up the blood. I couldn't help but think. He smelled so good. I didn't want to tell him that, that's just weird. He then asked me a question. "Why do you smell like strawberries?" "Maybe my colon smells like strawberries." I say laughing. "Smells good." Says Harry. "Um thanks." "And....done!"Harry says. "Thanks, I should be going." "Wait!" "What?" "Um come here." Says Harry. "For....." I say. "Just come." He grabs my hand and he hugs me. "Um I don't know why but.....I think I like you. Did he know I was a guy I say in my head.

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