Chapter One: Fated Meeting

Start from the beginning

You desire to see them dead?" He asked. Izuku nodded.

"All of them?" Another nod.

"Even those who aspire to be heroes?"

"That word has lost all meaning in this world," Izuku growled.

"I agree," Orochimaru said, "Which is why, I want you to join me."

"What?" Izuku asked.

"I want you to join me. I have some allies and quite a bit of funding. I myself am a scientist, and I believe your analytical mind could be very useful. As both an assistant and a right-hand man." Izuku weighed his options. He could either go it alone, without money or a place to rest, or he could go with this man and get closer to his goal of wiping out all heroes. Heroes who didn't even try to save him.

"I'll join you," Izuku said.

"Excellent. Of course we'll have to make you a match for people like those heroes, won't we?"

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked. Orochimaru, instead of answering, shot forward and jabbed a half a dozen or so spots on Izuku's chest and arms. Izuku fell to his knees as agony spread throughout his body.

"What did you do to me?" Izuku asked.

"Awhile back, I learned that people had an energy known as 'chakra', and that quirkless people had a larger reserve of chakra than other people. All I did was open your chakra system, so that you can use it. Well you should. Some people can't control it and explode, however I know the symptoms before one explodes, so I'll just close your system up if it seems to be going poorly. If you don't explode, we'll take the next step. If we need to seal off your chakra system up, well we'll cross that bridge if we come to it." Izuku cursed this man, as them pain intensified.

A few moments later, the pain lightened up and almost completely vanished. Izuku tried to stand, only for a wave of exhaustion to hit him, and he pitched forward. He was unconscious before he hit the floor.


When Izuku woke up, he found himself in a bedroom that looked to fancy to be anything other than a except a rich person's house, but not fancy enough to be overly rich. A single or double millionaire maybe. Looking down, he realized his drenched clothes had been removed, leaving him only in his underwear. Next to the bed was a dresser with a set of clothing on it. Getting out of the bed and going over to it, he found it was a mostly purple outfit, that was just his size. Deciding not to question it, he slipped on the pants, and open toe sandals. Before he could put on his shirt, though the door opened, and in walked a person.

"Good, you're awake," a female voice said. Izuku nodded, cheeks slightly pink after realizing he was shirtless in front of a girl.

"Get your shirt on and follow me." Quickly following her orders, Izuku slipped the shirt on and followed her. He followed her through a long hallway, until they reached the living room, where Orochimaru sat, waiting for them.

"Father, he's awake," the girl said.

"Welcome back to the world of the living," Orochimaru said. Getting up and walking over to them. When he got closer, he frowned and grabbed Izuku's head, holding his eye open.

"So it wasn't just the rain," he mused, "You actually do have poor eyesight. When did this start happening?"

"A year or so ago," Izuku answered, "One of my old friends, used his explosion quirk to hit me in the face, after that a lot of things were left blurry. My parents never cared to fix it." Beside him, he heard the girl hiss, as Orochimaru rubbed his chin. Before walking over to a in table, opening it and coming back with a pair of glasses.

"These might not work completely, but they'll do for now." He handed Izuku the glasses, who took them and put them on. Immediately, Izuku looked around, seeing most of the closer stuff clearer. He saw that Orochimaru and the girl's eyes were yellow and slitted, and Orochimaru had purple markings around his eyes. He also noticed that the girl was really cute.

"That's much better. Thank you," Izuku said, bowing slightly.

"Now that, that's settled, I'd say introductions are in order. Izuku, this is my daughter, Mamushi. Mamushi, this is Izuku."

"Nice to meet you," Izuku said, bowing. Mamushi bowed back, but didn't say anything.

"Well, with you trying to have a new life," Orochimaru said, "it would be wise to take on a new name." Izuku thought for a moment, remembering the only teacher he had who treated him kindly after his diagnosis.

"How about, Kabuto Yakushi?"

"I like it," Mamushi said.

"As do I," Orochimaru agreed, "Come then Kabuto, let's start your training."

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