"Woah." Chris says, "What the fuck are you guys doing?" Nick asks all while Sadie laughs with a smirk on her face.

Ella and Matt scramble off of each other, each of their faces glowing red.

"We weren't doing anything I swear." Matt claims, "Mhm." Nick replies, walking to the kitchen with a few bags of groceries in hand.

"Nick I swear. He just tickled me and I fell. We weren't doing anything, I promise." Ella states.

"Bummer. I was really hoping to be an Aunt." Sadie replies, "Shut the fuck up, don't act like I don't catch you full-on eye fucking Chris." Ella spills.

"I do not." Sadie claims, "You do. Oh, and should I tell everyone about what you said last night? 'Oh my God, Chris pos-"

"ELLA! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sadie exclaims, clapping her hand over Ella's smirk.

"Aw, that's cute," Nick comments as he and Chris unload the groceries.

"Hey, Nick have you heard from Mom or Dad yet?" Matt asks his older triplet, "Yeah this morning Mom called and said that they have to extend their trip another week." Nick shares.

"Bummer." Matt replies, "Where are they on vacation?" Ella asks now that Sadie finally let her mouth free.

"Oh they're on a business trip in Cali so when we go back home at the end of the Summer so will they." Matt answers, Ella nods her head in reply.


Ella Ambrose walked beside Matt Sturniolo, their hands connected while the two boys- as well as Sadie- in front of them vlogged on their camera.

"Aren't they such a cute couple?" Chris teases, pushing the camera in Ella and Matt's faces.

They can hear Sadie and Nick's giggles, them knowing it was all fake and just a dare.

"So tell us, Ella. What's it like to date Matt Sturniolo." Chris smirks, "Fine...?"

"Mhm and Matt what's it like dating the Ella Ambrose." Chris replies, "Fine." he answers simply with a shrug.

"Come on give us real answers, the fans wanna know." Chris digs, looking at Ella, "I don't even fucking know. Today my brain is not braining whatsoever." Ella answers.

The boys start laughing at her while Sadie gives her a confused yet concerned look.

"I'm gonna start saying that, my brain isn't braining." Matt comments.

"Anyways. We're walking to a place called Talios it's like a little cafe-type thing and we're going there for lunch. And then- wait Ella and Sadie did you guys bring your bathing suits?" Nick shares with the camera

"Shit. No, we didn't know we had to." Ella answers, "That's fine, we all can just go buy some." Nick waves off before facing the camera again, explaining what they were going to do for the vlog.

"And then after we go get bathing suits for these idiots, we're going to this lake-type thing that I found and they have like canoes and paddle boarding and stuff like that. Then after that, we're going on a sunset cruise little thing and then dinner and then we go back home." Nick finishes explaining.

"Ella and Sadie wanna stay with us tonight?" Chris asks, "I can't. I'm having a little Star Wars movie marathon with Baylen tonight." Ella answers.

"I can." Sadie answers, "Sick. Sadie's better than Ella anyways." Matt comments.

Ella snaps her head to Matt with her eyebrows knitted together.

"Bitch what the fuck are you trying to say?" she asks, "Sadie's better than you." Matt giggles, "Fine." Ella replies, taking her hand out of Matt's and walking to Nick where she yelled his hand.

"Nick's better than you." Ella tells Matt, "I could care less." he shrugs, "Wow." Ella replies, turning her head back straight, deciding to ignore Matt now, just for the hell of it.

KIERA SPEAKS: hey hey! anywho enjoy these pictures :)

KIERA SPEAKS: hey hey! anywho enjoy these pictures :)

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