There was something familiar in those words.
Rose closed her eyes. The volume turned up until the music embraced her fully.
She focused harder. She wanted to find those links. To go back home.

I am flying
I am flying
Like a bird
'Cross the sky
I am flying
Passing high clouds
To be near you
To be free

She tried to reach that freedom, but her mind was like bouncing against a thick, dark wall that prevented her from getting what she wanted.
She wiped her wet nose with a frustrated gesture, surprised to see that she was nosebleeding.
She could bend anything to her will. She knew that. She had remembered what her father had said when she was just a child.
But that wall was still there.

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever crying
To be with you, who can say

I've just shipwrecked. She thought, the cold water still into her heart and soul even after she put on dry clothes.
Rose broke into tears, trying to hide more against the seats. Sobs shook her weakened body.
She had failed.
She was weak, there was no light in her.
"Rose? What's wrong?" she heard doors opening and closing until the stranger man leaned over her again.
"I want to go back" she moaned.
He froze "But... I've risked so much to get you out".
"I want my memories back" she insisted.
"Oh" he finally understood "I can't help you with that. I don't know what was done to you. I'm sorry".
"Take me back" she begged then drifted into darkness.

When she woke up, her back hurt, not just her head.
She was still in that damned car.
"Are you hungry?".
Julian asked from the driver's seat.
She shook her head.
"We are about to leave. I have to ask you to lay down and be quiet. It won't take much to cross the border, but nobody can find you here. Or we would be both dead".
She wasn't sure if she cared of being alive or dead. While she felt Julian's fear.
What sort of mission was he involved with?
He made her cover herself with a heavy blanket, then turned on the engine.
The radio was updating on the recent news. Nothing that sounded familiar to her.

She hissed whenever the car bounced on the dirt road, then she heard voices and the car slowed down.
Julian pulled down his window.
"Hello, chief".
A police officer peeped into the car "Walworth. I expected you to be already gone. Have you found your friend?".
"Yes. She's alright. She really needed a visit" Julian said with a silly smile.
The officer scoffed "I'm sure she did".
"How is it to be chief police? I really want to post an interview to you on the local newspaper".
The officer stepped away from the car "No. No interviews. You can go. Quick".
Through the fabric of the blanket Rose saw some letters reflected on the window above her.

"Thank you, GrassHopper" Julian said, accelerating suddenly and laughing at whatever joke he said.
Rose heard the chief police officer cursing loudly behind them.
Julian drove fast for a while, then banged his hands on the whell and exclaimed "We made it! We are free now!".
He slowed down then turned to her "Do you want to come to sit next to me?".
Anything but lying on those uncomfortable seats again.
She nodded and allowed him to help her move from the backseats to the passenger seat.
"A toast to our success" he offered her a bottle of water, having another one for himself.l.
"I don't know if it's a success. I don't know what happened to me. It's like I have an amnesia".
"What is the last thing you remember?".
Rose focused, until she shivered at the horror her mind pictured.
"The massacre. My family..." she gasped for breath.
He grabbed her hand before she could hurt herself in her panic attack.
"I know. I know everything about it. It happened almost one year ago".
"One year ago?" she repeated surprised "And what happened in between?".
"I know nothing about that. You were kidnapped. Believed to be dead. But in your coffin there was a Mexican girl who didn't look like you at all. I knew it was a plot. I knew there was something big behind that".
She blinked, but it all sounded so awful and crazy. Her mind couldn't digest that "I don't know how to feel about that".
"Listen" he turned towards her "I know I can't even imagine the horrors you've been through. But you're not alone. You are not totally free, but you are safe. No more experiments. No more demanding tasks. You can even stop speaking at all and it would be fine" he hesitated and corrected himself "Alright, no, please, do talk to me. I need to know if you need something or if you can share how you feel so I can try to help as much as I can".
She narrowed her eyes at him "Why do you care?".
"Because you're Rose Penfield" he said like it was obvious "Everyone in the US knew about you when you were a child prodigy, who was invited to TV shows and who amazed us with her fluent speaking in several languages".
He frowned and lowered his voice "It's unfair that you had been a victim in such a terrible massacre. It's unfair that the culprits are still out there, hunting you like hungry wolves on their most prized prey. But now it's time to make your life more fair. It's shocking how I grew obsessed with your story. You were like a legend to me. A living legend. Then when I went to your funeral and I heard the rumours around your presumely faked death, the fact that your body was missing, I saw my chance to change from being a little, underpaid reporter to become who I wanted to be. And I started the craziest adventure of my life. I don't regret a bit of it. But now you're here. We're both fugitives. And you're so human. Holy hell, I'm so confused but happy that you're here".

She didn't know how to react at his emotional speech.
She just frowned and took some sips of the water. She realized she was thirsty so she emptied the bottle.
Julian was driving again, speeding on the deserted roads while it was dawning around them.
Rose looked at the radio.
She didn't like the song it was playing so she glared at it, making the electricity buzz.
Julian froze as he watched her.
She let go when it started to play the song her mind was silently craving for.
She stared out of the window, a blur of colors flying around her. And she cried.

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me

Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on, dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me


Wednesday 24th August 2022

How annoying when you can't remember. It's even worse if you can't remember what truly matters 🥺

Where her mind fails, her heart helps.

The shipwreck, the sailing are referred to some quotes of Henry in the earlier chapters:

"Some Greek philosopher said that life is like sailing" he said softly distracting her from her sad thoughts "The death of young people is a shipwreck, while the death of old people is a safe landing at a port".(Chapter 11)

Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever crying
To be with you
What does this make you think of? 💔

And then, "Dream a little dream of me" is Henry's fav song 😢

The next one will be the Epilogue chapter 🔚🖤

Cast update:

David Tennant is Julian Walworth

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

David Tennant is Julian Walworth

Dark Angel (A 001 prequel story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें