8 - Arachne

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Alone in her room, Rose laid on her back, staring at the ceiling.
After her successful attempt with telekinesis in the underground, Peter had accompanied her upstairs, caring to find a safe way for not getting caught.
She had thought that they'd been hiding in the undergrounds for hours, instead it was just less than half an hour.
And the tired staff was busy with dinner to care of two missing orderlies.
Her mind lingered for hours on what had happened and how she had felt.
Rose laid her arms above her head, still having a fresh memory of the strength of the grip of Peter's hands.
Why couldn't he be there with her, being the one to pin her hands against the mattress?
Rose felt so confused and silly.
She interpreted most of his words to her as sincere admiration and attachment.
How to go to the next level?
She wished to have more experience on how to take that step without messing it all up.
How to make him want her as much as she wanted him?
She had no make up or perfume, just clothes that were borrowed. Everything she had was borrowed.

Someday she was going to lose her control when he was around her. And she didn't want to lose him, in case he didn't feel the same about her.
He asked get not to practice on her own to avoid taking the risk of overlapping her control over devices and her attempts with telekinesis.
So she looked forward to the next time he signaled for her to follow him underground.
She didn't have to wait for more than a couple of days.

"Don't tell me they ask the children to lift the boxes to the upper shelves" she commented as he decided for them to stay in the large storage room, hiding behind the tall shelves to avoid a couple of cameras.
Peter appeared on the other side of the set of shelves, not irritated by her sort of hide and seek game as she explored the place.
"Children are not allowed to come in here".
"Well this isn't comparable to their playroom, but I do prefer this place for practicing".
"I'm glad we agree on that" he stopped to watch her studying a cobweb at the egde of the shelves "Do you like spiders?".
She grimaced "Not the big ones. But I admire how they can weave their traps".
"You're like Arachne".
"So talented that she was punished by a goddess to become a spider" she simpered, but she recalled her nightmares, the exorcism. A light shiver ran down her spine.
"I see we both like the Greek mythology" he stepped in front of her before she could resume roaming around "Do you want me to fall into your finely weaved trap, Arachne?".
Her mouth dried.
Actually the opposite happened.
She felt like fallen into a trap. And glad to have fallen.
But seriously they were talking of spiders?
"Actually I prefer ladybugs" she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.
He smirked "Still predators".
Rose felt like a silly prey.
"So what am I going to try today?" she asked before she could try some of her crazy ideas.
"To control your new skills. You can push, pull and even levitate anything with just the power of your mind" he lifted a finger to tap her temple softly.
She had seen children even fighting each other without touching each other.
She didn't feel capable of pushing away her own hair from her face with just her will.
Peter grabbed her hands and it just felt so good and simple. Holding hands, being free, happy.
"Relax" he whispered in a soothing tone "And close your eyes".
Rose obeyed, trying not to choke in the anticipation of something that was unlikely to happen.
In fact Peter moved to stand behind her. He left her hands for a moment, but grabbed them again.
"Now focus on what you want to move. Let's say that small box on the shelf in front of you".
Rose peeped at what he referred to, then shut her eyes again, nodding.
"I ask you to go back to your worst memory. That massacre".
Surprised she choked in her breath "Peter...".
"I'm right here" he said comfortingly "I just need you to remember how you felt. To feel that again. Did you feel scared, like you needed to find somewhere safe?".
She swallowed hard and nodded weakly.
"Imagine like you're in a cage and you need to get out if you want to survive. Find the strenght within you. Break that cage" Peter grabbed her right wrist and pulled her hand up "Channel that energy and push it out, like you're shoving something strong in front of you".
Rose felt lost in the storm of emotions inside her.
She tried and hated failing. So she tried harder, even if she felt her brain close to exploding.
Even fainting seemed appealing, since she hoped he would have held her in his arms.
But he asked her to break that cage and it was harder than she expected.
She didn't want to disappoint him.
"Feel the box, don't just picture it in your mind" he instructed, squeezing her wrist and pulling it backward "Open your eyes".
Rose blinked, furious that the box was unmoved.
He pushed her hand inward and she let out a scream of frustration, feeling the air become solid and the box within her reach.
The box moved and fell from the shelf, pouring medical items on the floor.
For the surprise, Rose jumped back, bumping hard against Peter.
"Sorry" she said quickly, but he was laughing shaking his head.
"See? You did it. You're a natural talent".
"I would have never made it if it wasn't for you. Thank you".
"And I love to be helpful. To help you".
And I love you, she wished to reply.
He had said that word and her brain melted.
He caressed her face and wiped the blood under her nose, that had reached also her upper lip.
His eyes stared at her parted lips and she waited, prayed for something to happen.
She was too petrified to waste that moment with her clumsiness.
His darkened eyes had to mean something.
He brushed her blood between his fingertips, but didn't stop staring at her lips, at her heavy breathing drying them.

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