8.5 - Please

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ Mild sexual content
If you're uncomfortable with it you can easily skip this chapter since it doesn't affect the main plot of the books :)

"You're not just a prodigy. You're the most wonderful creature nature ever created".
Rose beamed at Peter, forgetting the table that she had been levitating.
Although they had little free time to sneak into the storage room, he had helped her to practice. And she was improving quickly.
She felt motivated to improve. She loved to impress him. And he never stopped praising her, encouraging her, believing in her.
As the table landed soundly, she moved to wrap her arms around him and thank him with a kiss.
"You are too sweet, Peter".
He rested his forehead against her "I'm so proud of you".
"I'm proud of us. We are a great team".
"Indeed we are" he stole another kiss from her, then his lips curved into a challenging grin "Let's go further. Try to push me away".
He stepped back, giving her room to focus.
Rose had witnessed the children using telekinesis against each other in duels, but she didn't expect him to ask her that.
"I don't want to hurt you".
"You won't hurt me. I think it'll be fun" he winked and that was enough to make her hyperventilate again.
Rose breathed deeply and extended her hands towards him, feeling the invisible threads of force between them.
He was heavier than her so she doubted she could push him away.
Yet she tried and pushed.
Her nose was bleeding and she heard a drop of her own blood falling to the floor.
"Stop, please" Peter said suddenly "Feeling your touch is having unexpected consequences in me".
Rose lowered her arms, alarmed, fearing that she mistook something and hurt him.
"What do you mean?".
"It's arousing like having you on me".
Abruptly Rose understood what he meant. The evidence was in front of her, her eyes just needed to travel lower his body.
"Oh" she said, not knowing what else to say in that awkward situation.
He laughed softly cutting the distance between them "Yeah, oh. You're getting very good at it. But I prefer your real touch. Just imagine them combined. What kind of experience we'd live".
Rose blushed violently. His stare was so intense that she lowered her eyes, but yeah... it wasn't safe to look down either.
So she closed them "Peter... God, I can't believe you can talk about it so openly".
He chuckled amused, his hand touched her chin to make her look up at him "You make me be so open, feel so exposed. How can I hide what I feel for you when you make a mess of me?".
She didn't know what to say. She was worrying about what his body reaction could mean, what should happen next for not leaving him unsatisfied.
"Don't worry" he said softly, guessing what was bothering her "We won't do anything until you're ready".
"But..." hell, she wished she knew more about how to handle that situation. It was too embarassing to discuss it with him. Just like she wouldn't talk about it with anyone else.
"But what? You fear that if you let me go like this, I won't recover? I admit that it's very unusual that I get this kind of reaction, but it's getting common now that you're around. It's not that bad, I'll survive this".
"Peter" she grabbed his hand, feeling her cheeks burning even more "You help me so much. Are you sure there's anything I can do to help you?".
His free hand caressed her face "I wouldn't dare to ask you anything".
"I'm offering my help. Just tell me what to do" she spoke quickly, betting that she would regret it soon.
He breathed deeply and brought their joined hands lower.
He hissed when her knuckles brushed his tight bulge.
"Just touch me there, if you want".
She moved her hand shyly, amazed by how he reacted.
He breathed heavily and rested his hands on her shoulders to steady himself.
"Just like that. God, you're amazing, Rose".
"Doesn't it hurt?" she asked feeling how tight the fabric was around him.
"You don't mind if I free it?".
She shook her head and worked on freeing him herself. She loosened his belt slowly, then unzipped his pants.
He helped to bring out his election and wrapped her hand around it.
"Just touch me" he instructed, leaning against her.
Rose caressed him, marveled by his perfection.
He hugged her as he seemed close to lose control.
"Please" he suddenly begged into her ear.
She stopped, holding her breath.
"Please, don't stop" he asked desperately and soon after he stepped back and unraveled in front of her.
She looked down at the evidences, marveled that she had caused all of that.
He looked happy and grateful. It was worthy.
"You're an angel, Rose. Thank you. Your touch does miracles".
He adjusted his pants and kissed her sweetly.
Freed from her earlier fears, she was grateful that something so new brought them even closer.
She felt blessed. She witnessed that she wasn't the only one fallen head over heels.

 She witnessed that she wasn't the only one fallen head over heels

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Saturday 23rd July 2022

I'm not used to share this kind of chapters, so I feel really really awkward rn 😅
And that's why this isn't listed as a regular chapter, since I might decide to delete it later.

I don't mind reading explicit stuff, but writing it and specially sharing it is soo different.
I've wrote explicit chapters before in my other books, but always censured them.
In this case the topic is related to the plot, you will soon understand why 👀

And to be honest, someone is still stuck with that belt issue 😏👖 and that's how this chapter was inspired 🧨

And to be honest, someone is still stuck with that belt issue 😏👖 and that's how this chapter was inspired 🧨

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Next chapters will be more serious, and sadly more dramatic 😬 Stay tuned! 🖤

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Next chapters will be more serious, and sadly more dramatic 😬 Stay tuned! 🖤

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