Chapter 1: Those Eyes

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Those eyes. Dreamy wasn't the right word. Gorgeous wasn't the right word either. Distracting? Yeah, that was it. I pulled my attention away from the scientist on the other side of the room and refocused on my commanding officer.

"There are eighteen buildings in this compound!" my CO shouted. "Memorize every one! Housing! Cafeteria! Arboretum! Meeting area! Landing dock! Laboratory—"

I zoned out again, my eyes straying back toward the scientist. He was over by the drink machine, pouring a refillable glass of orange juice. I shook my head. These scientists and their refillable glasses. I was pretty sure I hadn't seen a disposable cup since I got here. He wore a lab coat just like the rest, and had a square, solid body type. Then he glanced over toward the group of soldiers I stood with and I accidentally met his eyes.

"Aw toast," I swore under my breath, looking away abruptly. He had definitely seen me staring, but there wasn't anything I could do about it now.

"The nest is in the caverns below the settlement!" my commanding officer shouted. Alpen was a no-nonsense straight-shooter, who never bothered with quiet commentary and closed-door conversations. If she hated you, she said it to your face. "We will set out at 0800 tomorrow. Today, familiarize yourself with the facility, memorize the cavern maps, stop by the armory to get your zorchers recalibrated, and eat! Dismissed!"

The squadron broke apart, chatting quietly among themselves.

"Do they really need all of us?" Crunch asked, tagging alongside me. Crunch and I usually were assigned to bunk together, and we got along well.

"Seriously," I replied. "Where are you off to?"

"Gonna get my zorcher re-calibrated first thing," Crunch replied. "Who knows how long it will take?"

"Mind if I come along?" I asked.

We headed back towards the armory, which was just one of the lab buildings that had been repurposed. The bulk of my other squadron members were heading towards the cafeteria, so it was mostly empty when we arrived.

"Hello there," the armory guard said as we entered. "Welcome to Bazoik!"

"Heya," I said. "We need to get our zorchers re-calibrated for flemoids."

"I can do that for ya," the guard said, smiling. "Name's Rice, by the way."

"AJ, and—" I glanced at Crunch. She was staring at Rice, unable to tear her eyes away. "Well, uh, this is my buddy Crunch." I elbowed Crunch in the ribs.

"Um, good breakfasts," Crunch said hastily, blushing. She pulled out her zorcher and handed it to the guard.

Rice winked at her. "Nice to meet you both. How was the flight?"

"Eh," I said, shrugging, reaching out to hand him my zorcher as well. "They put us in stasis this time around. We think they're trying to save money on training new warriors by making it so we never age."

"It's always the same, huh?" Rice chatted. "Always about money. Just give me two minutes—I'll be right back with your weapons."

As soon as he disappeared into the back, I nudged my friend.

"Knock it off," Crunch said. "I was just surprised, is all."

"You think he's cute!" I pressed, grinning. "He is, it's true. You gonna ask him out?"

"Depends on how long we'll be here," Crunch replied, blushing an even deeper shade of red.

My grin widened. Last time I had seen Crunch this discombobulated was when she had just returned from an evening run, during which she had nearly tripped over the famous Chex Warrior, savior of the Cereal Dimension, and possibly a compulsive liar, though no one was sure about that.

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