Chapter 1

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Y/N's Pov

"Hey, Y/n. Leaving already?" I heard the annoying voice behind me. I turned around just to face HIM.

Lee know. The schools bad boy. He's wealthy, handsome, popular, surrounded by a group of even more stupid guys than he is and his favourite hobby seems to be to annoy me.

Sounds like the total cliche, right?

"What do you want Lee know? I got something more important to do." I said coldly, slightly annoyed that he's turning the attention to me again.

I don't really like getting attention. At least not that kind of attention. I feel like everybody is just looking if I do something wrong and embarrass myself infront of the popular boy group.

"What. Talking to me isn't important?"

"Not really." I said, turning my attention to my phone and leaving class.

[At home]

The hot water runs down my body, feeling my tense muscles relax.

'That feels great.' I think to myself.

My mind went back to earlier.
'I left him pretty dumbfounded. Now I'm curious what he wanted to say...Ah why are you thinking about him again? He probably just wanted to mess with you like always. Stop it.'

I turn of the water and wrap myself in a big towel.

Just when I laid down, I remembered something.

"Fuck." I get up annoyed and get dressed again.

"Ah I thought I could spend the rest of the day in my comfi clothes. Why did you needed to forget that?"

It's one of my habits to speak to myself.
Recently I'm searching for my wallet and keys, to go to the grocery store. I don't wanna go, but since I couldn't even breakfast this morning because I have nothing to eat left, I need to go. Also I feel really hungry by now.

Since I'm living on my own, I need to take care of that stuff on my own. It's really annoying sometimes and I often forget to buy food but somehow it works. I mean I'm still alive, right.

[On the way back home]

I'm walking down the street with my groceries. I'm really annoyed by now. I didn't intend to walk around this late.
Since it's really cloudy and almost late evening it's already dark.
"Ahh, it's scary...stupid kid. You knew that. why didn't you thought about that before."

My own nagging gets interrupted as I hear some voices.
There seem to be some people fighting.
For a moment I thought about walking another direction, but my curiosity wins and I walk nearer to where the voices come from.
It's a back alley and a group of people are surrounding something. They all seem broad why I guess they're all men.

I hide behind a container and overhear a bit of the conversation.

"You shouldn't mess with us. Now, where are your friends? Didn't they tried us? Why are they hiding now."

"I-I don't know." A weak voice answers.

I can't see the person they are surrounding but i recognised the voices immediately. ' This can't be.'

I get up and walk out of my hideout, walking straight to that group of guys.
"Hey" I yell at them, as their whole attention turns to me.

'I dont know what I'm doing. Why did I got out? Gosh, they are intimidating.' I panic inside.

"What do you think you're doing?"

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