robin Arellano x male reader

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A/N: This was an old unpublished chapter that I just didn't end up posting or finish so I decided to finish this!


I'm currently on my way to finney's house since we all have a project together. When I'm in my way someone jumps in my back and I quickly grab them to punch them "Hey! Hey! It's just me!" I hear "ROBIN?!" I say confused, Robin just laughs "I got you so good" he say's I just sigh than smile "come on we have to get to finney's" I say to him and start to walk he speed walks to catch up with me.

Finney's house

When we arrive at finney's house I knock on the door waiting for finney. I hear the door open "hey guys!" I hear finney say "hey!" I say while Robin waves "come in! We can make a snack before doing the project" he say's smiling I nod and walk in as does Robin.

When we get a snack we walk to the lounge room and get out books out of our bags "so you're doing section 1?" I ask finney than i point to Robin "and you're doing section 2? Than I'm section 3?" I ask "yep! Exactly!" Finney says and I nod and start to work on the project while the other so too.

When I'm nearly finished mine I look at the other too and see they're struggling a bit I sigh 'I'll finish mine quickly than help them' I think. I quickly finish "ok. I'm finished!" I announce and they both look shocked "it's only been 20 minutes?!" They both shout "this section wasn't that hard. Did you guys need help?" I ask Robin nods I smile at him and go to help him "ok! What did you need help with?" I ask "this bit" he say's and points to a certain point, I start to explain the question to him when I look over and he's staring at me "Robin. Focus" I say smiling he snaps out of it and blushes and continues to listen to me explain.

When I finish explaining the question to Robin he smiles "thank you y/n!" He say's smiling I smile back "you're welcome Robin" I say smiling back he hugs me I'm shocked than I hug back. When he lets go he's blushing I smile at him and he looks away I just let out a little laugh.

When Robin and finney finish there sections of the assignment I smile "ok since we've finished that, did you want to watch TV?" Finney asks I nod and so does Robin "ok!" He say's and plugs the TV in and plays a horror movie channel I smile and so does Robin.

Half way during the movie I feel someone grab my hand I look from the corner of my eye and see it's Robin and grab his hand back in a comforting way and he smiles.

When the movie finished and we get up Robin didn't let my hand go and I continue to hold his hand as well as we walk to the kitchen to get water. I let go of his hand to get water and he is just smiling at me I smile back "water?" I ask he nods I smile and get him some water and than hand it to him.

After we leave the kitchen finney comes from the lounge room "hey! I just cleaned the lounge room and I think you guys should go home since my dad will be home soon" he say's sadly not wanting us to go I give him a sad look and hug him he hugs back. Robin and I leave together and start to walk together "hey y/n" he say's "yeah Robin?" I ask "umm if I told you something can you please not get mad" he say's I nod "of course" I say smiling at him reassuring him it's ok "I like you" he whispers but I still hear him, I smile at him "I like you too Robin" I say to him and he quickly looks up and hugs me I hug back "can we go in a date together?" He asks and I nod he smiles really big and jumps with excitement and I smile 'he's so cute'

724 words

Another one I never finished so I editore it and finished it!

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- Tate

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