Shuichi walked over to Kaito and stood next to him. "Kaito, what's wrong? What are you fighting about?" He asked.

"These guys did something unbelievable." Kaito replied. "They blocked the manhole that leads to the underground!"

"The manhole?" Shuichi muttered.

"Gonta put heavy rocks on top of manhole, so no one can use it anymore." Gonta explained.

"I could've made it disappeared with my magic, but I decided to let Gonta handle it this time." Himiko added.

"Again with the magic bullshit!" I snapped. Tenko shot a glare at me, and I glared back.

"Why... would you do that?" Shuichi asked.

"Cuz the manhole is a reminder of our desire to leave this place." Angie replied. "We don't want another tragedy to happen again, like what happened to Kaede."

Kokichi flinched at the sudden mention of Kaede. I put my hand over his in a reassuring way. Kokichi squeezed my hand lightly.

"You said it, Angie! We need to forget all about that underground tunnel and start fresh!" Tenko exclaimed.

"Dammit! She just does whatever she wants without even asking our opinion!" Kaito yelled.

"It certainly is important to hear everyone's opinion, but if we did, nothing would get done." Tsumugi said. "That's why we just decided to obey the student council president! If it's Angie, then she'll make the right decision! She can hear Atua, after all!"

"Man, she's a lost cause. Plain Janes like her are total rubes when it comes to cults." Miu complained.

"Tsumugi, thank you for your fantastic speech. I was truly moved by it." Angie said happily.

Angie walked over to Tsumugi and pulled her into an embrace.

"Hmmmmmm..." Angie hummed.

Tsumugi made a noise out of surprise.

"Thank you for always supporting me. Atua smiles on you for your plain and simple service." Angie said.

"I've been wondering... does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night?" Tsumugi asked.

"Atua has whatever features you desire." Angie replied.

What kind of god is that?

"A red-eyed, black-haired god... Ah, what a cool god I have watching me!" Tsumugi gushed. "When can I meet him!? I want to meet him as soon as possible!"

"Atua exists beyond time itself, but I'm certain you will feel His presence very soon." Angie reassured.

"So cool! Atua's just so cool!" Tsumugi exclaimed, as Angie let go of the embrace.

"Cults like these can be reaaaly annoying if you get on their bad side." Kokichi scoffed. I nodded in agreement.

"But, but why are you guys so mad over the manhole being covered?" Angie asked. "Is it cuz you guys wanna use it to escape? You still haven't given up on leaving here?"

"You haven't given up?" Himiko asked ominously.

"You haven't given up?" Tenko asked.

"Wh-What the hell's wrong with you guys!?" Kaito shrieked.

"The student council cannot ignore that. It seems we must tighten our control." Kiibo suggested.

"Tighten...? Are you callin' me loose!?" Miu asked.

"No one cares, whorebag!" I insulted.

"You were in the computer room past nighttime yesterday, weren't you, Miu?" Tsumugi asked.

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