Michael: you will be fine,

The plane took off and I felt a lot more relaxed, we ended up talking for the whole flight. Michael seemed really cool, I would really like to get to know him better.

Michael: so your coming
to Texas on holiday?

Y/n: yeah, I'm coming out
for two weeks, I've never
been here before so I'm
excited, I'm guessing by
your accent you live around

Michael: yeah, i live here,
I was born in Puerto Rico
but we moved here when
I was really young.

Y/n: that's so cool! I
was well born in the
Uk, and I've lived here
for almost 17 years.

Michael: so your 17?

Y/n: 16, well I'm 17 in
like three weeks. What
about you?

Michael: I'm 17, actually
turned 17 like three months ago.

Y/n: oh so we're like the
same age?

Michael: I guess so yeah!

Y/n: that's crazy.

We both started laughing and the plane started to land. We grabbed our bags from the overhead storage and walked out together. We walked down the steps still talking.

Micheal: so yeah I'm
excited to finally be back

Y/n: well from my first
view Texas seems amazing!

Michael: it really is.

Y/n: omg Georgia!! Sorry,
umm im gonna go say hi
to my friend, then I'll come
back to see you again.

Michael: yeah um, could
I grab your number when
you get back? If you ever
need anything you could
text me, ill be happy to help.

Y/n: yeah of course,
I'll be back in a second!
Thank you.

I ran over to Georgia and hugged her

Georgia: omg y/n your
finally here! Me and daniel
have been waiting for you!
Ive missed you so much!

Y/n: omg im so glad
to be here, I've missed
you both so much too!

Georgia: who was that
boy you were talking to?

Y/n: oh G! That's Michael,
he was sat next to me on
the plane and he was really
sweet, im going to go talk-

Georgia: that's cool!
Let's go get some food
I wanna show you
round Texas!

She grabbed my arm and it caught my by surprise and she started running, I looked at Michael and said "im sorry" before running off with daniel and Georgia.

Y/n: what the hell I
wanted to go talk to Michael!

Georgia: you've been sat
next to him for 12 hours,
im sure you've talked
enough!! I really wanna
take you somewhere cool.

Y/n: fine!

Michaels pov:

I saw Archie walking over to me but all I could do was stare at y/n and her friend.. I think her name was Georgia? I'm so annoyed I didn't get her number. She was so sweet.

Archie: yo Iann wassup!
You look sad? Wassup bro?

Michael: Archie I met
this girl, and she was
so amazing however
as I was about to get her
number, he friend
dragged her away, I don't
know where to find her
but I want to know. I
want to see her again.

Archie: but I thought you
said you were never
gonna fall in love again
sad boy dior.

Michael: Archie I'm not
in love? I love just...
never met someone as cool
as her, we instantly
had a connection.

Archie: shit I thought
Sarah broke you.. maybe
there is some love in
you still after all.

Michael: whatever Archie? I
just wanna find y/n again.

Archie: alright bro, I'll
help you look for her.

Michael: thank you bro,
I owe you one.

Me and Archie drove back to my house and I laid on my bed, hoping I would be able to find y/n again soon.

(Authors note)

So many of you could be coming from my previous book called still chose you, it's a book featuring the kid laroi. I would appreciate it if you showed this book as much love as the other one! I'm so excited to write this book and I promise the other book will have some new updates soon!

Thank you guys :)


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