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Carrie: okay hun. Georgia
is waiting in Texas for you,
are you ready to go? All
packed? I'm gonna miss
you so much y/n, it will be
So strange not seeing you
For Two whole weeks.

Y/n: mhm, I think
I'm ready to go. Dont
Worry ill be back before
You even realise I am

Carrie: alright baby.
The Uber is almost here,
are you sure your ready?

Y/n: im sure.

*the Uber arrives*

Y/n: well, I'll be back in two
weeks mum. I'll miss you
so much!

Carrie: goodbye baby,
I love you too!

I got in the Uber and drove to the airport, I checked in my bags and did everything I needed to do. I headed to a restaurant and grabbed a snack before boarding my flight

Well, here I go, my first holiday without my parents!

I walked towards the gate and walked through the tunnel. My seat was 14A, and since this was a small plane, there was only 5 seats to a row, the seats were really wide so it was really nice. I walked down the aisle until I found my seat.
There was no one sat next to me which was nice and I was hoping it would stay that way. I had a window seat which meant I wouldn't have to ask anyone to move if I wanted to get out, as no one was in the isle seat.

After sitting there for around ten minutes, a boy, who looked around my age came up to me.

Young man: hey? Are
you sat in 14A?

Y/n: um yeah sorry is this
your seat? I can move.

I stood up expecting to have to move my stuff to let this boy sit down.

Young man: no no it's okay,
I'm 14B, just wanted
to make sure I was in the
right seat.

Y/n: yeah, I believe so.

I gave him a small smile.

Young man: oh sorry,
I'm Michael by the way,
nice to meet you.

Y/n: oh hi Michael,
im y/n, nice to meet you!

We ended up chatting while waiting for the plane to take off.

Michael: so we're gonna
be sat next to each other
for 12 hours, I hope you
don't get sick of me.

He started laughing.

Y/n: im sure we will be fine.

They went through the safety procedures and I started to freak out inside.

Michael: hey y/n, are you

Y/n: uh yeah... I'm uhm okay.

Michael: you don't look
okay, what's up?

Y/n: um I'm just nervous..
I'm meeting my friend
Georgia in Texas but I've
never flown without her
or my family.

Michael: it's okay, you are with me.

Michael gave me a small smile, I can't lie, it was cute. He put his hand out and signalled for me to take it, so I did. He squeezed my hand and said:

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