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Hello! This is a Cheol x Miae fanfic I wrote from a prompt by another aslfua fan on twitter. I will be sharing the prompt at the end of the story, to not spoil the story. Hope you guys like it ^^

It was early morning. The alarm rang loudly, and Cheol woke up with a groan. He slowly got off his bed, and went to wash his face and take a bath. He continued to follow his daily routine, even in his half asleep state and was now about to get into his uniform. However he saw something that made him wide awake.

Instead of the usual brown checkered tie and pants, he saw a grey-blue coloured tie and pants. At first he thought these were from his Goguryeo Middle School uniform, but still different. Confused, Cheol looks around the room for his usual uniform until he sees the calendar. The calendar which was supposed to show the year 1999 now showed the year 2000. Cheol lifted it up in confusion and shock over how this could be, and then saw that his study table had books meant for high school students. He also came to realise that he was even taller than now.

All of this was making Cheol freak out, but before he could do anything, his mother called out to him "Cheol, what are you doing? You will get late for school!" This returned Cheol to his senses, and he collected his mind together. No matter what was happening, school was still important. So he gathered his books and quietly ate his
breakfast. He noticed that his family looked the same, but they also seemed to have aged a little. Especially Hwani, who was visibly taller than Miae now.

Right - Miae, what about her? If he was a high schooler, wouldn't she also be one? And why was he still here in the city when he was trying to go to the countryside?

While Cheol was lost in his thoughts, a certain girl came near him and loudly said "Good morning Cheol-ah!" Kim Cheol was once again brought to reality, but with a harsher jerk this time. He looked at Miae, annoyed as he thought that she was still the same. But as he turned to look at her, he froze- the Hwang Miae in front of him was much taller, but still not as much as Hwani, and her hair now reached mid back. She also had a more mature aura to her.

Cheol kept staring at her until Miae asked "Cheol-ah?" making him flinch. Cheol quickly turned away to hide his embarrassment from staring at her for so long and said a short "Nothing." He proceeds to walk ahead, but suddenly feels a strong tug from behind him- it was none other than Miae, who had pulled his backpack. Cheol looks at her in confusion to see her looking upset. "What was up with that answer? And where's my greeting?"

"What? Why do you care?" Cheol asks, still confused. But there was another thing confusing him. Why was Miae being so familiar and close to him, even calling him Cheol-ah? He had been doing his best to ignore it but she didn't seem to stop calling him that.

Miae looks at him surprised, the upset still visible on her face as she answers "Why? Because we are dating that's why!" Cheol stares at her again at this, but with a look of disbelief. "Can you say that again?" Cheol asked Miae, very calmly. Miae looked at him even more surprised and answered "I said that we are dating- a.k.a. I am your girlfriend, and you are my boyfriend. Why are you asking me this? Did you eat something weird yesterday?"

Cheol does not say anymore after this, and stares into space stunned. Dating? Him and Miae? What was she talking about, had she lost her mind? But he was all of a sudden 1 year in the future, so maybe it could be true- no. He had definitely lost his mind. How could he have suddenly become a high schooler and that too dating Miae? This was not right!

Cheol just stood there thinking of all this on the inside, while showing an utterly confused and shocked face on the outside. His train of thoughts were interrupted by Miae, as she tugged his sleeve. "Come on, will you keep standing over here? We are getting late for school, let's go!" And so saying she started walking ahead. Cheol shook his head and decided to go along with this and followed after her.

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