Chapter 2: For what will come

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Shira's senses were ever so slowly coming back to her. She could slightly hear the sound of muffled concerned voices talking about... her? What happened? who knows what to be honest. She just wanted to open her eyes and see what exactly was happening, to find her bakugan even. It took a bit before her whole conscience came back to her and she was able to spring up and look at her surroundings. It was a weird looking place, kinda like a doctor's office of some sorts. Shira's head felt like it'd been knocked with a giant rock, a familiar feeling.

What happened again?

It took a bit before her memories came flooding back, the battle with Dan Kouzo and Genesis's new... power.

"Mmmm... where's Genesis?" Shira mumbled, looking around the room. She stumbled up, looking for her partner, almost tripping over many of the objects in the room. Someone came running in, they didn't look like a nurse or school doctor, they weren't in the right uniform, plus they were too young for it anyways.

"Hey slow down, you literally were just knocked out earlier." the voice sounded oddly familiar.

"Dan Kouzo?"


The rest of the Awesome Ones were outside, patiently waiting for some kind of response from Shira. "That was a very interesting first battle" Shun stated, staring into the room with a drowsy Shira being held up by Dan. This girl just arrived and beat one of the strongest brawlers in the school with an unknown ability, then just collapsed. It made them all wonder if this was just coincidence, or if there was more to this new brawler of theirs.

"Well she seems to be doing fine now" Lia piqued, everyone else hummed in response, although they wish she wasn't so worn out, they have a lot of questions to ask. Dan eventually got Shira back into a resting state before exiting the office, the others looking at him quizzically. "If you're wondering, no I didn't get any answers. She was so persistent in finding her bakugan that I didn't have the chance to get a word in." he explained, watching the look on everyone's face turn to disappointment. It was a bit of watching before they decided they might as well go back to class, besides it was better to ask questions after Shira was in a better, less dazed state.

"Wait up, wait up! I don't know where or how you found this thing but it's incredible. WAIT UP!"

A small projected voice, catching the attention of the kids walking away. They all turned around, trying to figure out where the peculiar voice was coming from. All their eyes eventually landed on a giant megaphone and what seemed to be two white-ish bakugan yelling into it.

"Yeah, yeah you kids! Hi, how're you!"

One said, almost barging the other out of the way. Dan, Wynton and Ajit were trying not to laugh while Lia and Shun just looked at each other sceptically. The bakugan seemed happy that they finally got the kids' attention.

"Yes hi, I'm Su-, Suy-, for the love of fucking Vestroia, could you get your dog off us please?"

Lightning couldn't help himself, he was as curious as the rest of them. "Lightning, boy, come here" Dan called, catching the dog's attention. Lightning ran back and scampered behind Dan's leg.

"Thank you, anyways Hi I'm Suya, this grumpy old bastard of a bakugan next to me is Alphius, we're two more of Shira's bakugan, pleasure to meet you" the kids stood there, shocked, confused, a little suspicious. These two bakugan came out of nowhere, not to mention they were also Shira's.

What a day this has been.

"Yeah we know, one surprise after another, it's been a weird day for us too kiddos." Suya deadpanned, Alphius butted in "First, ignore my friend, they've got a bit of an attitude" Alphius, side eyed Suya, receiving a low growl in response, nice friendship they have here. "Second, thank you for helping out our mistress, we are both truly grateful. We wish we could help but our knowledge on the situation is little." they really didn't know what to say, the Bakugan genuinely looked like they didn't understand what happened either.

"Oblivion... I do feel as if I've heard of it somewhere"

Drago hummed, flying down to the ground where the other Bakugan were. The others nodded, little chatters arising from them. "It's sort of fuzzy but I remember it, not sure why though" Trox stated, staring at the two bakugan in front of them. There was an awkward silence, Alphius eventually shifted his position to something a little more unsure.

"Perhaps your particular set of bakugan has a connection to it, not sure. I wish we could understand this situation more"

Alphius just looked down in a bit of disappointment as Suya patted him on the back, well sort of. They couldn't help but feel bad, this also just means Shira has no idea what happened either. "Well, maybe we can help figure out what happened and maybe connect some dots" Wynton suggested, earning a nod from the other's. Happy hums emerged from the Bakugan, which made them chuckle. All of these bakugan were so loyal, they had to admit Shira was lucky.

"Thank you very much, we've never met people this helpful before" Alphius hummed sweetly, this slightly confused the Awesome one's but they decided not to get into it. It was silent again, no one was really sure what to say.

"Damn, what a first day"

Ajit started chuckling to himself, the others joined in as well, no day was ever normal when it comes to the Awesome Ones, that was kind of their thing. "Well then, we'll just have to keep an eye on if anything else weird happens," Shun exclaimed, Alphius nodded in response.

"I have a feeling something interesting is going to happen, very soon"

It scanned the children and the dog, almost squinting. "You are a very special bunch of kids" it mumbled. The others stared at each other weirdly while Dan just grinned. "Well, it's sort of our thing at this point" Lightning did a little spin and back before Lia checked the time.

"We'll have to get back to class soon, I'm sure Ms Weaver will understand but she's still terrifying"

They all agreed, waving goodbye to the Bakugan and running back to class. Alphius and Suya stood there for a moment before sneaking back inside the nurse's office.

"Why didn't we tell them the exact truth, Alphius?"

"They'll figure it out eventually, best not to overwhelm them"

"Shouldn't they be ready though?"

"They'll be ready for what will come...'

"I'm Sure of it."

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