Chapter 65

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Lisa was thrilled that Jennie wanted to join her teammates for a party that evening, but after eating dinner and dropping their bags off at Lisa's apartment, she noticed Jennie starting to rub at her calf muscles as they headed out the door, prompting her to go ahead and insist Jennie take a double dose to try and get ahead of any impending drops of her potassium. Jennie was emotionally and physically worn out and her body was starting to rebel against her, which worried Lisa at first until she considered where they were going.

Jennie is about to walk into a house full of the most concerned and caring people I've ever met.

Lucky for her, Bambam and Hoony had already informed the entire crew about Jennie's medical condition, telling them which warning signs to look for and what to do when they see any concerning symptoms. Lisa thanked her lucky stars to have her brothers rally around her when she needed them. They all knew the end goal was to get Jennie to feel comfortable enough to stay permanently and had all vowed to do everything in their power to help make that happen.

Jin seemed to fit in with the group seamlessly as well which was an added bonus. Sure Jin was only staying for a few days, but his approval and support went a long way when it came to Jennie. As Lisa, Jennie and Jin entered Bambam's house, the girls were all standing in the kitchen, gathered around the marble kitchen island, and the rest of Bravo and Delta team were outside on the back deck, with Eric busy getting a beer from the fridge. Jin went to join the men outside while Lisa got Jennie settled in with the girls.

Mina lit up like a Christmas tree when her eyes landed on Jennie, but before Lisa could pull Mina aside to tell her that Jennie needed to take it easy, Mina's sweet voice was already offering to make her a drink. "Hey sweet girl! Want me to make you a...." Jennie stalled her words as she lowered her brows at Lisa who was sweeping her hand across her throat, giving Mina the kill sign, hoping she'd think quick enough on her feet to realise Jennie didn't need to drink alcohol.

"... Saaaandwhich?" Mina said in an unsure tone.

Smooth Mina. Really smooth.

Lisa raked her hands down her face and chuckled at Mina who mouthed a quick 'sorry' from behind Jennie as she turned around to eye Lisa. Jennie looked up at Lisa with a playful grin, knowing exactly what she had been trying to do. "Did you set a no alcohol rule that I'm not aware of?" Jennie asked, arching a brow at Lisa.

"A rule? Nah I don't set rules for you Jennie baby. Think of it as a strong suggestion." Lisa countered, flashing her a charming half smile.

"You know, you are so..." Jennie's sentence was cut off by Lisa who quickly filled in the blank for her. "Dreamy?" Lisa said, shooting Jennie a wink. Shaking her head with an exasperated smile, Jennie folded her arms and laughed at Lisa's antics.

"I mean of course you're dreamy, but you already know that," Jennie said playfully.

"You're right I do. You told me about a hundred times when you were drunk." Lisa chuckled, watching her cheeks turn the cutest shade of red. "But I loved every second of it and I can't wait for it to happen again, just maybe not tonight, when your levels are a little out of whack." Lisa said softly as she used her knuckle to tilt Jennie's chin up towards her mouth, planting one deep kiss on Jennie's lips.

"Get it Jennie!" a tipsy Ji-eun cheered from the kitchen. "Lord have mercy!" Claire squealed. "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" Mina said, fanning herself with her hand as Lisa rolled her eyes and reluctantly pulled her mouth from Jennie's. She took her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked up at Lisa, which made Lisa secretly wish that she had wanted to stay home.

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