Chapter 64

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A few hours later, Lisa, Jennie, Jin and the rest of Lisa's teammates were on a plane to California. She was sitting in between Lisa and Marcus, drifting in and out of sleep on Lisa's shoulder, letting her scent wrap around her as she snuggled against Lisa. Jennie had curled herself into a little ball in the seat, leaning most of her body against Lisa while Marcus draped an arm over her legs as if she were a human armrest.

Her tired eyes fought against her as sleep came and went throughout the long flight, but Jin's voice slowly pulled her from her sleepy state, making her more alert with every word he spoke as she eavesdropped. He was talking in a low voice with Bambam and Don in the seats directly behind her.

"Exactly that could be my in and once they view me as one of their own I could hand them over to you one by one." Jin said.

"It's fucking risky and you'd be putting a huge target on your back. I'm not crazy about it, but we can keep it on the table for discussion." Don replied.

Keep what on the table for discussion? What exactly are they discussing?

Lisa cleared her throat loudly, indicating to Jin and her teammates that Jennie was eavesdropping.

How did Lisa even know I was awake?

The row of seats behind her quickly went silent, causing every part of Jennie's curiosity to want to speak up and demand to know what they had been talking about, but the bottom line was, she was exhausted. Unable to make the head space to process Jin's conversation with Bambam and Don, Jennie resigned to the fact that Bambam and Don were highly trained and would be the last ones to put Jin in danger or make irresponsible decisions.

Giving in to sleep once more, Jennie slept through most of the flight, only waking to take her medication and eat a small snack that Lisa had packed. Once the plane had landed, the entire group unfolded themselves from the uncomfortably small seats and groaned as they stretched and stood. Filing out in a straight line, Jennie stood in between Marcus and Lisa who had assumed their protective roles as they all moved through the terminal and out towards the baggage claim.

Bambam quickly picked up his pace and led the team towards the baggage claim area, which wasn't out of character for him at all. It was normal for Jennie to see Bambam take charge and lead the group, but his pace was so fast he was leaving the group behind. Jennie watched as he shrugged out of his large duffle bag, letting it drop to the floor as a small brunette launched herself into his chest.


Bambam lifted Mina off the ground with a smile that Jennie had never seen him wear before and it made her insides warm to watch the two of them together. His dominant, controlling demeanour melted into pure affection as he allowed Mina to pepper his entire face and neck with light kisses. She clutched his face by the scruff along his jaw to manipulate his head, turning it from side to side as she made sure that she had covered every inch of his skin with kisses, giving the scar beneath his neck tattoo a few extra kisses for good measure.

"Jesus get a room" Jong-kook scoffed as he passed them. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you, brother." Bambam teased, planting Mina on her feet. "Oh I'm jealous alright, but those right there aren't easy to find." Jong-kook said, motioning to Mina and Jennie.

"Where's Ji-eun?" Hoony said, looking around nervously. "Haven't seen her." Mina said with a suspicious shrug. "Seriously Mina, where is she?" Hoony said with his tone losing all of the playful energy that Jennie was so used to hearing.

"She's in the gift shop with Eric and Claire, calm your ass down." Jackson scoffed, giving Hoony a playful eye roll. As soon as Lisa stepped to the side, putting Jennie in Mina's direct line of sight, Mina's face stretch into a smile so wide that it made her nose wrinkle and her eyes squint.

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