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A/N: Thank you all so much! I never actually thought that people would read my first story! Apparently I was wrong. I love all of you! But not in that way;) On with the story. Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans. Whoever said that is a liar.
As soon as Beast boy and Starfire got out of the way, Raven went to her room. As soon as she stepped in her room, she closed her door and sat on her bed. She plopped down on her bed and just lay there with her hands on her forehead. It was a good 30 seconds before a knock came on her door. She lay her arms beside her on either side of her. 'Great. Who could that be? There's a reason why I go to my room' she thought as she got up and opened her door just enough to see who it was. Automatically, she heard a voice that was just too cheery for her.
"Hey Rae!" Said Beast boy as he smiled his 100 watt smile at her. Right now he was dresses in a purple shirt and black pants with black shoes, it was almost like his uniform except it was street clothes. Raven was a little curious as to why he was already ready.
"Hi, um, how did you get ready so fast?" Raven said looking him up and down before he replied to her.
"I keep my room organized, so I knew where everything was," Beast boy said putting his hands in his pockets and giving her one of his toothy grins.
"Beast boy, last time I was in your room, which was yesterday to wake you up, I was disgusted, there was a pile of clothes, molded or melted food everywhere, and a bunch of stuff I can't even identify, and you call that organized and clean?" Raven said, now fully standing in her door frame with the door fully open so she can actually have a conversation with him. He put his hands out of his pockets and placed them on his sides. Then he crossed his arms and gave her a playful glare.
"Well, it's organized to me! At least I know where everything is." He said in a fake pout and then got tired of faking and gave another smile then asked "Anyway, Rae, what are you going to where, I bet you'll look great!" He said straigting up and looking at her expectingly.
"Um, actually, I don't, um, have anything to wear," Raven said looking down at her feet, thinking just for a moment to go back in her room, but before she could make a decision, Beast boy let out a fake gasp and put his hand over his heart.
"You don't have anything to wear?!?" He said with his hand still over his heart and as he said his sentence he even sounded dramatic. Raven just glared at him, then he gave her a smirk and said "Well Rae-Rae, looks like your very lucky to be friends with me, because I could help you with your little problem," He said smiling down at her.
"It's not that big of a deal, I could just not go, I'm fine with it," Raven said about to turn into her room but before she could Beast boy grabbed her hand and half dragged- half walked her to a place where she didn't even know.

Where is Beast boy leaving her? What are they gonna do? I'd Raven going to find an outfit? Keep on reading to find out. Love you all my little Danisours (Dan and Phil reference).

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