𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐝

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and singing. Sadie was still asleep so I didn't bother to wake her up. I got up and went to use the bathroom. While I was washing my hands, I heard footsteps go up the stairs. "Are you okay ?" Sadie asked me with a sleepy voice while knocking on the bathroom door. "Yeah, I am !" I was just wondering if I can take a shower ? And maybe borrow your clothes ?" " Yeah, of course, let me just get my clothes." "Thank you !" I said while wiping my hands with the gray towel. After I was about to come out, Sadie came out and handed me her clothes and a towel. " Here you go." She said while handing me the stuff and smiling. "Thanks." I go into the bathroom and take a shower.

10 Minutes Later:

I get out of the shower and saw Sadie making breakfast. She was just making scramble eggs with some toast. Which I didn't mind because I liked both of them. 

"I'm sorry, I'm not a professional cook," Sadie said while giggling. "It's fine ! They both look good anyways." I say while smiling. She smiled back. When she put the toast and scrambled eggs on 2 plates, we sit at the counter and ate. It was delicious not gonna lie. We continued watching Netflix while eating our food. 

20 Minutes Later:

"I will wash the dishes," I said while collecting the dishes. "You don't have to, I will do it later.," "No I insist." I said while staring at her straight in the eyes. 

She gave me an "I lost" look and proceeded to watch Netflix. I was satisfied and started washing the dishes. After I was done, I lay next to Sadie on the couch. She was playing with my hair which calmed me every time. I liked people touching my hair. It was a nice feeling.

A few minutes later, Sadie and I were chatting about life and things about ourselves. It was a nice time while it lasted. I liked spending my time with her. Her beautiful ginger-colored hair, freckles, and her deep ocean blue eyes were perfect, I just really wish we can be more close. 

"Your beautiful Brook. Your green eyes with your dirty brown hair." The girl said while ruffling my hair. I looked in shock while feeling butterflies in my stomach. She just called me beautiful. And she liked my green eyes and brown hair. I was so happy that I smiled back.

"You look gorgeous with your deep ocean blue eyes and your beautiful red hair." I said while smiling at her. "Thanks." She replied while putting one of her hair strands behind her ear. We were both blushing a bit before we heard my ringtone from the phone. I groaned and took the phone to put it on my ear.

"Where are you !?" Finn said sounding worried. "I'm at Sadie's place, I'm okay." I said while rolling my eyes. "Omg, you made me panic. When are you coming back ?" "I don't know yet, maybe at night or something. Just leave me alone. I'm fine." I chuckled. "Okay bye. Be safe and love you." Finn said finally being normal. "Love you" and I ended the call. 

"Who was it ?" She looked worried. "It's just my brother Finn Wolfhard," I said giggling. "Oh, okay !" She said while also giggling.

A Few Hours Later:

It was already 7 PM Me and Sadie were still talking to each other while being really close. Her lips look so soft and I wanted to kiss her so bad. But I don't even know if she likes me or not. Or even if she's bisexual or lesbian. This is such a hard life. Like, kill me already. 

"I have a question," I said nervously. "Anything !" Sadie said with a slight smile on her face. "Are you straight or lesbian or something else ?" I said looking down and too afraid to look back up at Sadie. Sadie started giggling and cupped my face so I was looking directly at her. "I haven't figured it out yet, but I think I might be a lesbian. I never really liked guys that much." She said with a smile. I smiled wider knowing that I might have a chance with her. This made my day WAY better.

"How about you ?" Sadie asked me while furrowing one of her eyebrows. "I'm bisexual." I said with a smile. She also smiled and we continued talking. We didn't have work today or tomorrow so it was a free day. 

It was getting late so we decided to go to sleep. Sadie had a queen-sized bed so I slept with her. Her head was on my chest while I played with HER hair. It was a nice time. Especially since she was my crush . I was VERY LUCKY to get these kinds of opportunities. When I looked down at Sadie, her eyes were already closed and she was lightly snoring. I smiled and also decided to go to sleep with her. But sometimes it was very hard for me to sleep. And I forgot to bring my sleeping pills so the only thing I can do was just stare at the ceiling or look at Sadie. Which wasn't a big deal, I loved staring at her. Not to sound creepy or anything, she just looks so innocent when she sleeps. Which makes my heart melt and give me butterflies. I looked over at the clock and it was 2:34 AM I still didn't wanna sleep but I tried forcing myself to sleep. A few minutes later, I fell asleep.

 I'm gonna make a Sadie POV next chapter so stay close !

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